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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Post Your Balloon Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Balloon Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. What do you call a balloon that was left out in the sun for too long? A hot air balloon-tan!

2. Why was the balloon so upset? It didn't want to be a balloon-atic anymore.

3. Why did the balloon blush? Because it saw the helium tank's tank-top!

4. What did the balloon say when it was feeling deflated? "I can't blow things up out of proportion like I used to."

5. How did the balloon feel when it was stuck to a cactus? Prickly!

6. Why did the balloon go to school? To get inflated with knowledge!

7. Why don't balloons like the beach? They're afraid of getting popped in the sun.

8. What do you call a careless balloon-maker? A pop-arazzi!

9. Why did the balloon refuse to fight? It didn't want to pop anyone's bubble.

10. How do balloons stay in shape? With a lot of stretch-cercises!

11. What did one balloon say to the other balloon on Valentine's Day? "You take my breath away."

12. Why don't balloons like horror movies? They're afraid of making the audience jump!

13. What did the balloon say when it was asked to be quiet? "I'm just trying to stay afloat."

14. Why did the balloon go to the doctor? To get its vitals checked!

15. What did one balloon say to the other balloon at a party? "Let's mix things up and get twisted!"

16. Why was the balloon worried about joining the circus? It didn't want to be a clown's sidekick.

17. How do you know if a balloon is feeling sad? It starts to deflate.

18. What do balloons like to read? Pop-up books!

19. Why did the balloon cross the road? To get to the other side of the party.

20. Why did the balloon feel light-headed? It had too much helium.

21. What do you call a balloon that's always late? A pop-in Jay!

22. How did the balloon feel at the end of the party? Deflated but still smiling.

23. What do balloons like to do on their day off? Float around and check out the sights.

24. Why did the balloon ask for a raise? It felt it was worth more than its weight in helium.

25. What did one balloon say to the other balloon at the end of the party? "Let's stick together and float off into the sunset!"

26. What do balloons wear to parties? Helium-may tuxedos!

27. Why was the balloon sad after the party? It was left with nothing but air to its name.

28. How did the balloon feel when it reached the top of a mountain? On top of the world!

29. What do balloons use to communicate? Their air-phones!

30. Why did the balloon shout during a storm? It was trying to scare away any lightning bolts.

31. How did the balloon feel on its first date? Light and giddy.

32. What did the balloon say when it got a job at the flower shop? "I'm just bloomin' with excitement!"

33. Why did the balloon break up with its girlfriend? She was too much of a pop star.

34. What do you call a balloon that's just been inflated? A newbloon!

35. How do balloons celebrate their birthday? With balloon-aloonies and confetti.

36. Why did the balloon run away from the air-hockey game? It was afraid of getting hit!

37. What did the balloon say when it was asked to perform a magic trick? "I can disappear in a puff of air!"

38. What do you call a random balloon that floats into your window? A surprise-te!

39. Why did the balloon start floating away when it was given a present? It couldn't resist the gift-wrapping!

40. How do you make a balloon very angry? Poke it!

41. What did the balloon say when it was asked to volunteer at a charity event? "I'll be floating around, helping out!"

42. Why did the balloon call in sick to work? It had a helium ache.

43. What do balloons do when they want to get married? They tie the knot!

44. How does a balloon feel when it's had too much sugar? On cloud 9!

45. What did the balloon say when it was asked to describe itself? "I'm just full of hot air!"

46. Why do balloons hate jokes? Because they always seem to fall flat.

47. What did the balloon say when it was asked to help paint a room? "I'll just be hovering around, offering my assistance."

48. Why did the balloon start hyperventilating? Because it saw a needle!

49. What do balloons pack for their summer vacation? Sun-screen and plenty of air-mattresses.

50. What did the balloon say when it was asked to leave the party? "I'm feeling deflated, but I'll be back up soon enough!"
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