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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Barking At The Door Riddle

The dog of course ... at least he'll shut up after you let him in!
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The Land Of The Door Riddle

Any word that has two of the same letter next to each other. Like the word rabbit. Ex: (Sleep but no rest or Food but no taste)
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Switch Or Stick Riddle

The answer may surprise you: switch. Due to something called the Monty Hall Paradox, you will statistically have a better chance of making the "correct" choice. The concept is as follows:

Door 1 Door 2 Door 3

All have an equal chance to be correct:

Door 1: 1/3 Door 2: 1/3 Door 3: 1/3

After choosing Door 1, the remaining two have a 2/3 chance of containing the right choice:

Door1: 1/3 Doors 2 3: 2/3

If Door 3 is removed, the probability does not shift to 50:50. Instead, it is:

Door 1: 1/3 Door 2: 2/3

Thus, you should switch.
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The Everyday Gateway

I am a door
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Trick Or Treating Riddle

The front door
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Coming Home Riddle

Your door
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Saying Hello Riddle

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Where Guests Come In Riddle

At the front door
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Unexpected Visitors Riddle

The door. You have to let them in for breakfast!
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Wipe Your Feet Riddle

A doormat.
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Lying At Your Door Riddle

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The Door Knocker Winner

The no-bell prize!
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Walking Through Walls Riddle

A door!
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When Is A Door Not A Door Riddle

When it is ajar/a jar!
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Two Doors Riddle

This is a logic question and can be answered if one realizes that the TRUTH of a LIE is a LIE, and the LIE of a TRUTH is a LIE. You need one guard to give you the other guards answer. Knowing this one could ask a question like, If I were to ask the other guard which door leads to freedom, what would he say?

If you ask the guard who always tells the truth, he would tell you the other guard would point you to the door of death. If you ask the guard who always lies, he would tell you the opposite door of the truth-telling guard and point you to the door of death. In either case, both guards will point to the door of death so you should choose the other one.
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Post Your Door Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Door Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. What door is always open? The door to opportunity!

2. What do you call a door that's always happy? A jolly hinge!

3. Why did the door refuse to open? It didn't want to let anyone down!

4. What do you call a door that can never make up its mind? A swinging dilemma!

5. Why did the door run away from the house? It was framed for a crime it didn't commit!

6. What do you call a door that's not feeling well? A creaky sickness!

7. What's the difference between a door and a chicken? One has hinges and the other has legs!

8. Why did the door have to go to the chiropractor? It had a broken hinge!

9. Why did the door decide to seek therapy? It had a lot of emotional baggage!

10. What do you call a door that's always telling jokes? A pun-derful entrance!

11. What do you call a door that's really good at math? A numerical doorway!

12. Why did the door go to the gym? It wanted to work on its core strength!

13. What do you call a door that's always running late? A procrastinating portal!

14. Why did the door cross the street? To get to the other side of the hinge!

15. What's a door's favorite fruit? A-jam in the key of B-flat!

16. What do you call a door that's both strong and intelligent? A smart-hinge!

17. Why did the door take a shower? It was feeling a little rusty!

18. What do you call a door that's always curious? An inquisitive entrance!

19. Why did the door feel sad? It had been shut out of the conversation!

20. What do you call a door that's always prepared? A hinge with a plan!

21. Why did the door feel embarrassed? It had been caught squeaking in front of its crush!

22. What do you call a door that's really good at telling stories? A tale-gate!

23. Why did the door join a band? It heard there was a lot of jamming in the musical scene!

24. What's a door's favorite type of music? Something with a good beat!

25. Why did the door feel relieved? It finally found its key match!

26. What do you call a door that's really into meditation? A zen-entrance!

27. Why did the door refuse to let anyone in? It was having a quiet reflection time!

28. What do you call a door that's always singing? A melody-hinge!

29. Why did the door decide to go back to school? It wanted to get a handle on things!

30. What do you call a door that's really good at solving problems? A solution portal!

31. Why did the door feel anxious? It had heard that the hinges were going to be greased!

32. What do you call a door that's always positive? An optimistic entrance!

33. Why did the door feel frustrated? It was stuck in a rut!

34. What do you call a door that's always asking questions? A curious portal!

35. Why did the door throw a party? It wanted to have a hinge-fest!

36. What do you call a door with a lot of attitude? A sassy entrance!

37. Why did the door decide to go on a diet? It was feeling a little heavy!

38. What do you call a door that's always in a rush? A speedy portal!

39. Why did the door break up with the window? It couldn't handle the pane!

40. What do you call a door that's really good at telling jokes? A punch-line entrance!

41. Why did the door play soccer? It enjoyed the thrill of the hinge-kick!

42. What do you call a door that's always worried? A fretting entrance!

43. Why did the door go to the movies by itself? It heard that hinges can be very independent!

44. What do you call a door that's really into politics? A bipartisan portal!

45. Why did the door decide to run for office? It was tired of being just a door-mat!

46. What do you call a door that's really into fitness? A gym-entrance!

47. Why did the door feel relieved? It finally got a handle on things!

48. What do you call a door that's always in style? A fashionable entrance!

49. Why did the door go to a therapist? It wanted to work on its boundary issues!

50. What do you call a door that's really good at finding things? A search-hinge!
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