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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Post Your Household Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Household Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. What do you call a pillow that can sing?

A croissant (croon-ssant)!

2. Why did the tomato blusher buy new sheets?

Because the old ones kept turning red!

3. How does a clock greet its friends?

By tick-tock-ing!

4. What do you call a tiny house filled with books?

A shelf-contained unit!

5. What do you call a fridge that won't stop rapping?

A Coolio-fryer!

6. Why did the lamp go on a diet?

To get a lighter shade!

7. What do you call a rug that can dance?

A tang-y carpet!

8. How do you know if your toaster is a comedian?

It always pops up with a joke!

9. What do you call a vacuum cleaner that loves to party?

A Dirt Devil with a twist!

10. How do you describe a drawer that can't stop laughing?

A giggly-slide!

11. Why did the couch break up with the coffee table?

Because it couldn't sofa-ive!

12. What do you call a chair that's really bad at playing musical chairs?

A stationary object!

13. How do you describe a painting that's really shy?

It's a wallflower!

14. What do you call a rug that's always in the way?

A carpet-blocker!

15. How does a fridge introduce itself to new food?

Hello, I'm chilly cheese!

16. Why did the pillow go to therapy?

To learn how to handle its stuffing!

17. What do you call a clock that's always late?

A tickin' time bomb!

18. How do you know if a lamp is a hipster?

It's always hanging out!

19. What do you call a bed that always tells jokes?

A laugh-able mattress!

20. How does a floor clean itself?

By mopping the floor with the competition!

21. Why did the toaster join a band?

Because it wanted to be a bread singer!

22. What do you call a rug that's been tickled?

A giggle mat!

23. How does a wall get stronger?

By building up its walls!

24. What do you call a lamp that's always hot?

A fiery fixture!

25. Why did the couch go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling sectional!

26. How do you describe a drawer that's always slamming shut?

A cabinet of curiosities!

27. What do you call a painting that's really angry?

A mad-man-tle!

28. How does a table learn to communicate?

By sending out its chairs!

29. Why did the chair go on a vacation?

To get some R&R&R (rest, relaxation, and rockin')!

30. What do you call a bed that's always hungry?

A mattress muncher!

31. How does a wall stay in shape?

By doing wall-sits!

32. What do you call a lamp that's really sweet?

A glowing personality!

33. Why did the carpet go on a trip?

To get in touch with its fibers!

34. How does a fridge learn to write?

By taking notes from its magnet friends!

35. What do you call a clock that's always taking breaks?

A time-out timepiece!

36. How does a chair learn to stand on its own two legs?

By finding its seat legs!

37. What do you call a rug that's always rolling over?

A carpet-tumbler!

38. Why did the table go on a diet?

To get a lighter tablecloth!

39. How does a lamp go on adventures?

By lighting the way!

40. What do you call a bed that's always singing?

A musi-cal mattress!

41. How does a wall learn to dance?

By taking steps to improve!

42. Why did the couch switch sides?

Because it wanted to see things from a different angle!

43. What do you call a painting that's really sleepy?

A nap-tural masterpiece!

44. How does a drawer learn to be more organized?

By getting in touch with its inner cabinets!

45. What do you call a lamp that's always up for anything?

A bright bulb!

46. How does a chair find its inner strength?

By leaning on its own support!

47. Why did the rug start jogging?

To get in shape for the next vacuum race!

48. What do you call a fridge that's really quiet?

A hush-hush cooler!

49. How does a clock find time for itself?

By taking a tick break!

50. What do you call a bed that's always dreaming?

A rest-full retreat!
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