Fun Facts (Hints)

Mathematics has an extensive history in just about every culture or civilized society known to man. Listed below are some cool facts to get those math juices flowing:
  • In 1852 mathematician JJ Sylvester established the "theory of algebraic invariants."
  • In 1995 math great Andrew Wiles, proved "Fermat's Last Theorem."
  • The first decimal number system is said to have been invented in Ancient Egypt around 5000BC.
  • The Ancient Mayan civilization located in Central America is one of the only cultures in the recorded history of the world to use a place-value number system.
  • The American Mathematical Society was formed in the late months of 1888 in New York.
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    Post Your Math Brain Teasers Puns Below

    Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Math Brain Teasers of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

    1. Why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems.

    2. Why did the math teacher break up with the geography teacher? They were in different planes.

    3. What kind of music do math teachers listen to? Alge-brahms.

    4. What did one math book say to the other? Don't bother me, I've got my own problems.

    5. How many mathematicians does it take to change a light bulb? None. It's left to the reader as an exercise.

    6. Why did the math teacher go to the beach? To test the waters.

    7. Why did the student bring a ladder to math class? To help with the high, exponents.

    8. Why don't math teachers tell jokes? Because they always fall flat.

    9. What did the circle say to the tangent line? Stop touching me!

    10. What do you call it when you take a calculator to a party? A math function.

    11. Why did the student eat his math homework? Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake.

    12. What's a math teacher's favorite movie? Pi.

    13. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems to solve.

    14. Why was the math book always unhappy? Because it had too many pages and no cover

    15. What does a math teacher say when chasing a thief stealing a couple of books? "Stop, you're confusing the issues!"

    16. Why do mathematicians hate the numbers 6 and 28? Because they are perfect numbers, and nothing in math is perfect.

    17. Did you hear about the math professor who's afraid of negative numbers? He'll stop at nothing to avoid them.

    18. What do you call a numbers addict? A Numeraholic.

    19. Why did the math teacher break up with her boyfriend? He was too irrational.

    20. Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven eight nine!

    21. Why was the math book unhappy? Because it had too many problems to solve.

    22. What does the number 7 like to talk about? Himself! He's always got something prime to say.

    23. Why is 6 afraid of 7? Cause seven eight nine!

    24. How do mathematicians keep warm in winter? They put their hands in their pocket and feel for the roots.

    25. What did the number 0 say to the number 8? Nice belt!

    26. What do you call a number that just can't stay in one place? A wandering numeral.

    27. What did the math book say to the student? I've got problems.

    28. Why do math teachers love geometry students? Because they always have their angles covered.

    29. What does the number 2 say after a workout? I'm two-tally awesome!

    30. Why did the math book ask for a new page? It couldn't stop calculating.

    31. What does a math teacher call a parrot? A polynomial.

    32. How can you tell if a math book is sick? It has a measuring fever.

    33. Why did the math teacher divorce the science teacher? The constant arguing over significant digits.

    34. What do you get when you cross a math teacher and a clock? Time tables.

    35. What do math teachers serve for dessert? Pi ala mode.

    36. Why did the math teacher always carry a calculator? To make multiply plans.

    37. What does the mathematician say when arriving at the airport? Square root of my destination, please!

    38. What did the math teacher say to the difficult student? You're eXcellent!

    39. Why did the mathematician retire to Hawaii? To work on his tanGent.

    40. Why did the chicken prefer to do math? Because pecking order is a strategy.

    41. What makes math so rich? All the Numbers in the bank.

    42. What did the number 9 say to 5 when asked if he was even or odd? "I'm odd."

    43. Why did the students fall asleep in math? Because it was a snooze X's exercise.

    44. What's the difference between a math teacher and a train? One calculates figures and the other figures calculations.

    45. What makes math the cutest? It's the Square Roots.

    46. Why was the geometry book sad? Because it had too many problems.

    47. What does one math book say to the other math book? I'll meet you at the Calculus.

    48. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many logarithms.

    49. Why did the calculus student skip class? He wanted to get an INTEGRAL education.

    50. What do you call the worst kind of math student? A sine-er.
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