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Post Your Nose Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Nose Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. What do you get when you cross a nose and a potato? A schnoz-tato!

2. Why did the nose feel embarrassed? Because it couldn't find its face.

3. What did the nose say to the finger? Stop picking on me!

4. What did the nose say to the mouth during lunch? Quit breathing down my neck!

5. Why did the nose get a job as a detective? It had a great sense of smell!

6. How can you tell if a clown's nose is real? If it's a red herring.

7. Why did the nose go to the psychiatrist? To get to the bottom of its scent-identity crisis.

8. What do you call a nose that has been punched too many times? A bumpy road.

9. Why did the nose go to art school? To sculpt a career.

10. How does a nose make a phone call? It uses its booger finger!

11. What do you call a nose that just won the lottery? A lucky sniffer.

12. Why did the nose feel dizzy after smelling a flower? It got a bit floralganous.

13. What do you call a nose that's always swimming? A snorkel-schnoz.

14. What did one nose say to the other nose? Pick on someone your own size!

15. Why did the nose refuse to wear a mask? It had nothing to hide.

16. What do you call a nose that has a cold? A snifflesaurus rex.

17. Why did the nose take up boxing? To get a nose for the sport.

18. What did the nose say before jumping into the pool? Hold my glasses!

19. What do you call a nose that's always sneezing? A pepper-picker.

20. Why did the nose take up gardening? It wanted to cultivate a sense of smell.

21. How does a nose stop a runny nose? By giving it the cold shoulder.

22. Why did the nose go on a diet? To lose some nose-weight.

23. What do you call a nose that's always complaining? A whiny-honker.

24. Why do noses get jealous? Because they always feel inferior to the eyes.

25. What do you get when you cross a nose and a tongue? A no-sense of taste.

26. Why did the nose refuse to visit the dentist? It was afraid of losing its fillings.

27. What do you call a nose that's always asking questions? A nosy parker.

28. Why did the nose take up skydiving? To get a nose for adventure.

29. What did the nose say to the face during a fight? I smell trouble brewing.

30. What do you call a nose that's always cold? A frosty sniffer.

31. Why did the nose refuse to wear animal prints? It thought it was too wild.

32. What do you call a nose that's always late? A tardyschnoz.

33. Why did the nose refuse to play poker? It didn't want to risk getting aces up its sleeve.

34. What did the nose say to the brain? I'm the head honcho around here!

35. What do you call a nose that's always arguing? A snobbish-schnoz.

36. Why did the nose take up hiking? To get a good whiff of the great outdoors.

37. What do you call a nose that's always watching TV? A couch-potato schnoz.

38. Why did the nose go to the gym? To work on its nostril-flexing.

39. What did the nose say to the ear? You're all ears, but I have the real intel.

40. What do you call a nose that's always breaking things? An oblivi-nose.

41. Why did the nose refuse to visit the beach? It didn't want to risk getting sunburned.

42. What did the nose say during a game of hide-and-seek? Don't even bother, I can scent you a mile away.

43. Why did the nose take up painting? To get a new perspective on the world.

44. What do you call a nose that's always singing? A croon-nose.

45. Why did the nose refuse to ride a roller coaster? It didn't want to risk getting flung off.

46. What did the nose say during meditation? Just breathe, baby, just breathe.

47. What do you call a nose that's always skipping school? A truantschnoz.

48. Why did the nose take up photography? To capture the essence of life one frame at a time.

49. What do you call a nose that's always cooking? A chef-schnoz.

50. Why did the nose refuse to play video games? It didn't want to risk getting a case of virtual reality sickness.
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