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Riddles and Answers © 2024

The Vampire Flirt Riddle

She bats her eyes.
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Vampire Savings Riddle

At a blood bank.
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Vampire Mail Riddle

His fang club.
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Vampires Love Baseball Riddle

Every night he turns into a bat.
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Fired From The Blood Bank

He was caught drinking on the job.
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Horse Racing Riddle

When it's neck and neck.
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Annoying Vampires Riddle

Because they can be a pain in the neck!
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Flunking Art Class Riddle

Because he could only draw blood!
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Get Out Vampire!

Because he was a pain in the neck!
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Vampire Test Riddle

A blood test
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Post Your Vampire Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Vampire Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. Why did the vampire quit smoking? It was a real pain in the neck.

2. How does a vampire start a letter? With a blood-curdling scream.

3. What kind of music do vampires listen to? Fangtasia.

4. Why don't vampires like to tell jokes? Because they suck at them.

5. What did the vampire say when he met his match? "I can't stake it anymore."

6. Why did the vampire go to art school? He wanted to learn how to draw blood.

7. How do vampires stay in shape? By doing neck-ups.

8. Why did the vampire break up with his girlfriend? She was a big pain in the neck.

9. How does a vampire say goodbye? Fangs for the memories.

10. Why do vampires prefer dark chocolate? Because it's bat-ter.

11. What did the vampire say when he went to the dentist? "I want my fangs looking sharp."

12. Why did the vampire fly coach instead of first class? He wanted to travel in bat style.

13. How do you know if a vampire has a cold? They start coffin'.

14. What did one vampire say to the other at a baseball game? "I hope we don't get staked out."

15. How did the vampire count his money? He used a bite-size calculator.

16. Why did the vampire put on sunscreen? He didn't want to get burned to a crisp.

17. How do you make a vampire smile? You give him a Bloody Mary.

18. What did the vampire say to the waitress? "Can I get a nice glass of O negative?"

19. How do you scare a vampire? By telling them a stake joke.

20. Why did the vampire take up gardening? He wanted to grow his own fangs.

21. What did the vampire do when he was bored? He went out to haunt some people.

22. Why did the vampire go to therapy? He wanted to get in touch with his inner bat.

23. How do vampires get around town? They drive a batmobile.

24. Why did the vampire join the debate team? He wanted to argue his point till dawn.

25. How does a vampire tell time? He checks his bat-watch.

26. Why was the vampire always a fashion trendsetter? He had all the vampire bat-titude.

27. How do vampires make their beds? They tuck themselves in with a bat sheet.

28. Why do vampires go to the gym? They're looking to get bat-fit.

29. What did the vampire say to the doctor during his check-up? "I'm feeling a little bat."

30. Why do vampires love to play poker? They're always up for a little bat-bluffing.

31. How do you know if a vampire is angry? He's full of coffin'.

32. What did the male vampire say to the female vampire at the bar? "Hey baby, want to get a bat-tub for two?"

33. Why do vampires hate garlic? It's a real bat repellent.

34. How does a vampire write a book? He uses a bat-pen.

35. What did the vampire say when he was offered a sip of wine? "I only drink red, and you better believe it's bloody."

36. How do vampires communicate with each other? They use bat-talk.

37. Why did the vampire visit the unemployment office? He wanted to find a job with good vampire-benefits.

38. How does a vampire pay for his groceries? He uses bat-credit.

39. What did the vampire say when he met the werewolf? "I can feel our relationship growing by fang and claw."

40. Why do vampires love Halloween so much? It's the one day they can come out and bat-around.

41. Why did the vampire buy a new car? He didn't want to fly under the bat-radar anymore.

42. How does a vampire make a new friend? They sink their teeth into a common interest.

43. What do you call a vampire that's been in the sun too long? A bat-tanning.

44. Why did the vampire take up fishing? He heard there were a lot of bats in the river.

45. How do you know if a vampire is having a bad day? They're bat-tempered.

46. What's a vampire's favorite type of pasta? Bat-guetti.

47. What did the vampire say when he saw the billboard for a blood drive? "I'd rather donate than take from a vein."

48. Why don't vampires ever get lost? They have bats in their GPS.

49. How do you make a vampire laugh? You tell them a bat-joke.

50. What do you call a vampire that's addicted to video games? A bat-nerd.
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