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Who Stole The Money Riddle

A man placed a $100 dollar bill on his desk and left for work. When he returned back the money was gone. He has three suspects: the cook, the maid and the electrician.

The cook said he put the bill under a book on his desk to keep it safe. The man checked and it is no longer there.

The maid said she moved the bill to the inside of the book between page 1 and 2 while she was cleaning. Again, the man checked the book and there was nothing between page 1 and 2.

The electrician said he saw the bill sticking out of the book and he moved it between page 2 and 3 to keep it safe.

Who stole the money?
The electrician stole the money.

If the man checked for the money between page 1 and 2 of the book, then page 2 and 3 will be opposite sides of a single page and will not be able to hold the money.
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