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Who Killed Samuel?

My name is Andy, and I will tell you a murderous tale.

On Friday, a murder took place at 4:21 a.m. The morning was calm with light rain. The body of Samuel was found in the dining room, however the murder happened in the kitchen. When the police arrived they could not find out the cause of death.

An autopsy was performed and ruled a natural death. Samuel was however poisoned by arsenic, an undetectable poison. His wife, 5'3" who leaves every night for work until 6 a.m, says she is sure that it was a suicide or suspects the butler. The butler happens to leave at 4 a.m everyday and returns at 6 p.m. The butler suspects the wife because she found pictures of her husband and another woman in her car. Who murdered the husband?
Hint: There are three suspects.
The narrator, Andy. Both the wife and the butler suspect each other and have an alibi. Only Andy knows the name of the undetectable poison that killed Samuel.
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