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Five Bridesmaids Riddle

Five bridesmaids threw a shower for their bride. Each brought a gift and made a favorite food of the bride. They all arrived at different times, and during the wedding each was wearing a different color of her choice. Determine the gift and food each bridesmaid brought, the time she arrived, and what color she chose for her dress.

1. The bridesmaid with the painting had trouble getting it in her car, and the bridesmaid with the potato salad got lost on the way, so they were the last two to arrive.
2. Amanda hated the color green and potato salad.
3. Kourtney and Selena did not wear the blue dress and did not bring the turkey sandwiches.
4. Stacie arrived before the bridesmaid with the painting, but after the bridesmaid who brought the sheets, and the bridesmaid who made the cheese dip.
5. The bridesmaid with a blue dress arrived 10 minutes before the bridesmaid who brought the sandwiches.
6. The bridesmaid with the veggie tray arrived 25 minutes after the bridesmaid who brought flatware, but before the bridesmaid who would be wearing a blue dress.
7. The five bridesmaids arrived in the following order: The one who baked the cake, Amanda, the one who would be wearing a yellow dress, the one with a toaster for a gift, and the one who arrived last.
8. Selena brought a cake with green frosting, the same color as her dress.
9. Amanda brought pink sheets as a gift to the bride, but she did not like pink for herself.
Selena; green; flatware; cake; 2:50
Amanda; purple; sheets; veggie tray; 3:15
Kourtney; yellow; towels; cheese dip; 3:20
Stacie; blue; toaster; potato salad; 3:35
Stephanie; pink; painting; turkey sandwiches; 3:45
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