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Penny Has 5 Daughters Riddle

Penny has 5 children.

The 1st is named January.
2nd kid is February.
Her 3rd is called March.
4th is April.

What is the name of the 5th.
Penny has 5 children.

The 1st is named January.
2nd kid is February.
Her 3rd is called March.
4th is April.

What is the name of the 5th.
If your answer was "Penny", you were wrong.!!
If your answer was "May", you were wrong again!!

Let us tell you the fact that there is no question asked here. This is just for your information that name of the 5th children is "What". If you are still not sure, just read the riddle again. "What is the name of the 5th." Riddle itself says that name of the 5th children is What and there is no question mark at the end.
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