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Riddles and Answers © 2024

A Prisoner Escaped From A Prison Riddle

The man was more than halfway across a bridge when he spotted the police car, so the quickest way to leave the bridge was to run towards the police car and then turn and run into the woods to hide.
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A Woman Was In Court For Killing Her Husband Riddle

The woman was watching the jury and not the doors because she knew that her husband wouldn't walk through them because she had killed him. If she has really missed him like she said, she would have been watching the doors.
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A Man Comes Home From Work Riddle

The Man was Blind so he suspects that his wife is in some danger and thus calls the police.
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A Man And A Woman Went To A Restaurant Riddle

The poison was in the ice. Since the woman had her drinks quickly, the ice didn't have time to melt. The man drank slowly and the poison melted into his drink.
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Who Is The Kidnapper Riddle


Explanation: On Picture B and C, the boy is holding the man while in picture A the man is holding the boy.
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A Man Pushes His Car

Playing Monopoly.
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A Blind Man Gets Marooned In A Desert Riddle

The man will break each of the 4 pills in half and eat 1 half from each of the pills.
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Fox Goose Beans Riddle

The first step must be to take the goose across the river, as any other will result in the goose or the beans being eaten. When the farmer returns to the original side, he has the choice of taking either the fox or the beans across next. If he takes the fox across, he would have to return to get the beans, resulting in the fox eating the goose. If he takes the beans across second, he will need to return to get the fox, resulting in the beans being eaten by the goose. The dilemma is solved by taking the fox (or the beans) over and bringing the goose back. Now he can take the beans (or the fox) over, and finally return to fetch the goose. His actions in the solution are summarized in the following steps: Take the Goose over Return Take the beans over Return with the goose Take the fox over Return Take goose over Thus there are seven crossings, four forward and three back.
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I Live Above A Star Riddle

Number 7 on a phone keypad.
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I Met A Man On My Way Riddle

Only one is going to St. Ives...the narrator! All of the others are coming from St. Ives. The trick is that the listener assumes that all of the others must be totaled up, forgetting that only the narrator is said to be going to St. Ives. If everyone mentioned in the riddle were bound for St. Ives, then the number would be 2,802: the narrator, the man and his seven wives, forty-nine sacks, three hundred forty-three cats, and twenty-four hundred and one kits.
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Polar Bear Dice Riddle

Hint: A rose by any other name...could be a die?
Dice all look the same. On a die, the 1, 3, and 5 all have a dot in the center. The 3 has 2 dots on either side of the center dot, and the 5 has 4 dots around the center dot. Johnny simply counted the number of dots around the outside. A "3" has 2 "petals around the rose, or polar bears around an ice hole." The "5" has 4 "petals" or "polar bears." Roll some dice and it will become clear!!
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A Man Had Died In His Apartment Riddle

April Fools, he didn't earn anything, he's dead.
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Eye Test How Many 3s Riddle

The answers for 'eye test how many 3s' puzzle ranges from 15 to 21. At first glance, most people only notice 15 threes in the image. First, you might notice that there are two threes on the number pad, as the number eight has also been replaced by a three. Then there are eight threes in the phone number. Many also notice that the battery charge is at 33% and the time is 3:33 PM.

However, if one looks closer at the name underneath the phone number, they will find three more 3s. This gives a total of 18 3s in the image. But there is one more hidden three that even observant people fail to notice. Underneath the number four on the keypad, the letter 'I' has been replaced with three as well. So, the total number of 3s in the image is 19.

However, depending on your interpretation of the puzzle, the number of 3s can also rise to 21. At the top left of the image, the bar signal and wifi signal also have three bars. Some people also consider the two signals to be a part of the riddle and raise the number of 3s to 21. So, the correct answer can be 19 or 21, depending on your interpretation of the question.
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How Many Ducks Do You See Riddle

There are a total of 16 ducks in the picture. In the first row, there are 5 ducks in total. Speaking about the second row, it has 6 ducks in total. The last row has 5 ducks in total. If you see carefully there are some small ducks in the picture. It might be difficult to notice them at first glance. At first glance, you might notice around 10 ducks but there are more ducks hidden in the picture. There is also an image that will give you a clear idea of where are the hidden ducks.
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Mark And Nancy Riddle

It can be the babysitter or the chef.

Explanation: Both of them are the culprit because if they went for dinner so why the chef is preparing dinner?

And the other is the babysitter because she was ironing the shirt for school tomorrow but it was a Saturday so the next day is Sunday.
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