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The Secret Santa Exchange

Hint: It's not as difficult as it seems. It's the number of ways the friends can form a circle divided by the number of ways the names can be drawn out of the hat.

For a group of n friends, there are n! (n factorial) ways to draw the names out of the hat. Since a circle does not have a beginning and end, choose one person as the beginning and end of the circle. There are now (n-1)! ways to distribute the remaining people around the circle. Thus the probability of forming a single circle is

(n-1)! / n!

Since n! = (n-1)! * n (for n > 1), this can be rewritten as

(n-1)! / (n*(n-1)!)

Factoring out the (n-1)! from the numerator and denominator leaves


as the probability.
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Strive With Wind And Wave Riddle

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$100 Bill Grocery Store Thief

The best answer from the choices is the owner lost $100. The $100 bill that was stolen was then given back to the owner. What the owner loses is the $70 worth of goods and the $30 in change, which makes for a total of $70 + $30 = $100. The owner has lost $100.

Technically, the owner lost $30 plus the value, V, of the $70 of goods. Since stores typically sell goods at a markup, the value may be less than $70. But in the case of a loss leader, the owner may have lost more than $70.
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1 Rabbit Saw 6 Elephants Riddle

5 Animals.

Lets go through the question again.

1 rabbit saw 6 elephants while going to the river. Hence, 1 animal (rabbit) is going towards the river.

Every elephant saw 2 monkeys going towards the river. This is the tricky part, from the sentence it seems to imply each of the 6 elephants saw 2 monkeys going towards the river, hence logically will be 6 x 2 = 12 animals (monkeys) going towards the river.

However, the statement does not explicitly mention that Every elephant saw 2 DIFFERENT monkeys, hence implicit rules apply and infer that the 2 monkeys are the same.

Hence, correct answer is that every elephant saw 2 monkeys, and by inference, the 2 monkeys are the same, hence there exists only 2 monkeys which are going towards the river !!

Finally, every monkey holds 1 parrot in their hands. Hence, 2 parrots are going towards the river.

So in total, 1 rabbit, 2 monkeys and 2 parrots (5 animals) are going towards the river.
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Trace Your Steps Back Riddle

The answer is numbers '2 3 8 4'
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