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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Marching Ants Riddle

The ants are in a circle. Lets say the ants are A, B and C. A has has B and C behind him, B has A in front and C behind, and C has B in front and A behind.
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American Settler Ants Riddle

Because they lived in colonies.
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Soldiers In Black Riddle

Black ants.
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Smaller Than An Ants Mouth Riddle

An ant's dinner!
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Dancing Ants Riddle

Because the lids say "twist to open."
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Confused Baby Ant

Because all of his uncles were ants!
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One Big Ant Riddle

An eleph-ant!
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A 100 Year Old Ant

An antique!
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Post Your Ant Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Ant Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. What did the ant say when it was offered a job as a circus performer? "I'll join, but only if I can be anacrobat!"

2. Have you heard about the ant who loved to dance? He was always getting down with his antpedes!

3. Why did the ant need to see a doctor? Because he had a case of antsy pants!

4. What did one ant say to the other when they were lost in the water? "We're going to need a bigger float!"

5. How does an ant communicate with its friends? Through ant-tennas!

6. What did the ant say when it saw a piece of cheese? "This looks like a great oppor-tuna-ty!"

7. What did the ant say when it arrived at the picnic? "This looks like a great spread-ant!"

8. How does an ant cross a river? By using a bridge-a-bug!

9. What did the ant say when it found some breadcrumbs? "I'm crumb-alieving!"

10. Why did the ant go to the gym? To get ant-tastic muscles!

11. What did the ant say when it saw a spider? "I'll have to call for ant-vergence!"

12. How many ants does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, they prefer to work in the dark!

13. What did the ant say to the caterpillar? "I'm getting the feeling that you're a bit of a slimy-ant!"

14. What did the ant say to the grasshopper? "You should work harder, like me. I'm an ant-repreneur!"

15. What did the ant say when it was offered a piece of cake? "I'll take a slice-ant!"

16. Why was the queen ant feeling depressed? Her colony was ant-social!

17. What do you call an ant on a unicycle? An ant-balancer!

18. How did the ant get to the top of the mountain? By scaling-ant!

19. What did the ant say when it met the ladybug? "I'm ant-sheous to make your acquaintance!"

20. What did the ant say when it found a lost leaf? "This leaf is completing-ant!"

21. What did the ant say to the fly? "You're buzzing up the wrong tree, pal. I'm not your average ant!"

22. How do ants celebrate their birthdays? They throw an ant-iversary party!

23. What did the ant say when it was invited to a potluck? "I'll bring the ant-i-pasto!"

24. Why did the ant go to the beach? To get some ant-tan lotion!

25. What did the ant say after it won the lottery? "I'm going to buy a new ant-ique car!"

26. What did the ant say when it was asked how it was feeling? "I'm feeling ant-imated!"

27. What does an ant say when it's happy? "I'm in ant-stasy!"

28. What do you call an ant with a PhD? An entomologist!

29. What did the ant say when it found a treasure chest? "This is ant-treasure!"

30. What did the ant say when it was asked to take a swim? "I'm not an aqua-ant!"

31. What did the ant say when it found a lost shoe? "This is a sole-ant discovery!"

32. What do you call an ant in a fancy suit? An ant-gentleman!

33. What did the ant say when it saw a bee? "I'm not afraid of you. I'm an ant-sassin!"

34. What did the ant say when the sun came out? "Let's go on an ant-venture!"

35. What did the ant say when it found a piece of candy? "I'm sugar-ant happy!"

36. Why was the ant feeling down? Because it had a case of anthro-pause!

37. What did the ant say when it saw a snail? "Hey, slow down, buddy. I'm an ant, not a tortoise!"

38. How does an ant get a job? By filling out an ant-pplication!

39. Why did the ant wear a baseball cap? To keep the sun out of its ant-eyes!

40. What did the ant say when it saw a caterpillar? "You look like you're having a grub-ly time!"

41. What did the ant say when it saw a queen bee? "I'm not intimidated. I'm the queen of my own colony!"

42. What do you call an ant that likes to gamble? A risk-ant!

43. What did the ant say when it won a race? "I'm victorious-ant!"

44. What did the ant say to the fly when it was trying to steal its food? "This is my turf, fly! Find your own bench-ant!"

45. What did the ant say when it found a diamond? "This is a real gem-ant!"

46. What do you call an ant with good manners? An ant-iquette expert!

47. Why was the ant feeling anxious? It had a case of ant-siety!

48. What did the ant say when it saw a butterfly? "Nice wings, buddy. But can you lift 50 times your own weight?"

49. What did the ant say when it found a lost key? "This is a valuable ant-ique!"

50. What did the ant say when it was asked to go on a date? "Sorry, I'm ant-stayin in tonight!"
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