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Riddles and Answers © 2024
Brain Teasers For Teens
Are you on the hunt for some great brain teasers for teens? Teachers, mothers and fathers, tutors, and other types of educators can all make use of the ancient art of the riddle in many different types of educational settings.

This compilation of brain teasers is a collection that our staff at Riddles and Answers has put together for teens of all different backgrounds and educational levels.

Studies continue to show the importance of puzzle solving, as doing so on a regular basis has been linked to increased cognitive development, memory, and increased levels of reasoning.

Use these challenging questions in any manner you would like. While some contain humor and may be more light-hearted than others, simply attempting these riddles will likely help many teenagers achieve at least minimal increases in their mental abilities.

Where Does Today Come Before Yesterday Riddle

The Dictionary
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A Man Is Pushing His Car Along The Road Riddle

He was playing Monopoly
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Dont Forget Me For Goodnight Moons Favorite Brew Riddle

Hint: The answer should be a fruit. In red color. A fruit with grains inside.
It's Pomegranate
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If Lupitas Daughter Riddle

The answer to 'If Lupita's dad's daughter' riddle is Lupita herself. The key to this simple riddle is the very first line of the riddle. In the first line of this riddle, it is stated that "Lupita's dad has 5 daughters".

In the subsequent list, "Lisa, Laura, Liza and Lolo," Lupita's name is missing. When the final part of the riddle asks who the fifth daughter is, some people get confused and think that the answer is in the last part itself.

However, if one pays attention, then they will immediately realize that the list is about Lupita's dad's daughters. Hence Lupita herself is the name missed out from the list. Its all just wordplay, but anyone can be tricked if they do not pay attention to the nuances of the riddle.
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Try Stand 2 Riddle

Try to understand
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26 Sheep In A Field In A Field Riddle

26 sheep are left. The farmer died.
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There Are 5 Sisters In The Room Riddle

The 5th sister is playing chess with Katie as chess needs two players.
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What Is Better When You Break It Riddle

A record.
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Turn A Girl Into A Woman Riddle

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Keeps Returning Riddle

A Boomerang
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In 1990 A Person Is 15 Years Old Riddle

The years are in B.C (Before Christ).

Thus, 1990 in BC will gives 15 years old and 1995 in BC will gives 10 years old.
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Blown Up Like A Stick Of Dynamite

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The Sharpest Thing In The World

A fart that goes through your pants without making a hole.
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A Household Appliance Riddle

A washing machine
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Aircraft Riddle

A helicopter
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Post Your Brain Teasers For Teens Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Brain Teasers For Teens of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta!

2. Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself? Because it was two-tired.

3. What do you call a bear that has no teeth? A gummy bear.

4. How do you organize a space party? You planet.

5. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a shark? Frostbite!

6. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing.

7. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems.

8. What do you call a belt made out of watches? A waist of time.

9. What do you call a group of cows playing instruments? A moo-sical band.

10. Why did the cookie go to the doctor? Because it felt crummy.

11. How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten-tickles!

12. What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, it just let out a little wine.

13. Why couldn't the bicycle take its hat off? Because it had a bike helmet on!

14. What do you call a fake stone in Ireland? A sham-rock!

15. What did the grapefruit say to the orange? Your peel is showing.

16. Why was the broom late? Because it swept in.

17. What do you call a sleeping bull? A bulldozer.

18. Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because it wasn't peeling well.

19. What do you get when you cross a tiger and a snowman? Frostbite!

20. Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.

21. Why did the tomato turn green? Because it saw the salad dressing.

22. What do you get from a pampered cow? Spoiled milk.

23. Why did the man put his money in the freezer? He wanted cold hard cash.

24. What do you get when you cross a bird and a firecracker? Tweetie pop!

25. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems.

26. Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because it wasn't peeling well.

27. What's orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot!

28. What do you call a bee that can't make up its mind? A maybee.

29. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite.

30. Why did the paper go to the gym? To get ripped!

31. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a dog? Frostbite.

32. Why did the tomato turn purple? Because it was trying to ketchup with the other tomatoes.

33. What do you get when you cross a snake and a pie? A pie-thon!

34. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.

35. What do you call a bee that dreams of becoming a butterfly? A wannabee.

36. What do you get when you cross a cat and a lemon? A sourpuss.

37. Why did the skeleton go to the party alone? He had no body to dance with.

38. What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.

39. What do you call a sheep that sings in a choir? A ewe-nique vocalist.

40. Why did the man put his money in the washing machine? He wanted clean money.

41. What do you get when you cross a cow and a duck? Milk and quackers!

42. Why was the broom late? Because it swept in.

43. What do you call a potato that is always lazy? A couch potato.

44. What did the hot dog say when it won the race? "I'm the wiener!"

45. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a chicken? Frostbite!

46. Why did the tomato turn brown? Because it was in a jam.

47. What do you call a camel that loves to dance? The humpa-cha-cha.

48. What do you get when you cross a mouse and a motorcycle? A motor-mouse!

49. Why was the broom always tired? Because it was sweeping all day.

50. What do you call a snake that works for the government? A civil serpent.
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