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Riddles and Answers © 2024

A Flame On Top Of My Head

A cake

Cake is baked,
Cake rests, to cool,
Cake comes in different shapes, sizes and types.
Cakes sometimes have candles above them on birthdays.

Cake is eaten,
Cake is sliced,
Cake is licked and poked and sometimes even squashed.
Wedding cakes have a man and woman on the top
Did you answer this riddle correctly?

An Elf's Favorite Cake Riddle

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Post Your Cake Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Cake Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. What did the cake say when it won the baking competition? I'm on a roll!

2. Why did the cake go to the doctor? It had a lot of layers!

3. What do you call a cake that's always grumpy? A sourdough.

4. What do you call a cake that's afraid of heights? A low-riser.

5. Why did the cake cross the road? To get to the bakery!

6. What did the cake say to the cookie? I'm a big fan of your crumbles!

7. How do you know if a cake is successful? It rises to the occasion.

8. Why did the cake go to school? To get a degree in batter-up technology.

9. What do you call a cake that's in a hurry? A quick sponge.

10. Why was the cake afraid to go to the party? It didn't want to get frosted.

11. What did the cake say to the fork? You complete me.

12. Why did the cake feel guilty? It had a lot of buttercream on its conscience.

13. What do you call a cake that tells jokes? A pun-sy-tart.

14. What did the cake say to the oven? I appreciate you baking me happy.

15. Why did the cake hide under the bed? It was afraid of the slice of life.

16. What do you call a cake that's a fan of country music? A cake-ntry crooner.

17. Why did the cake go on a diet? Things were starting to get crummy.

18. What did the cake say to the birthday candles? Don't get me lit!

19. Why did the cake get a promotion? It had a lot of layers of experience.

20. What do you call a cake that's been to space? A celestial slab.

21. Why did the cake go to the dentist? It had a cavity of sprinkles.

22. What did the cake say to the wedding couple? I'm always here for tier-rific love stories.

23. Why did the cake feel depressed? It was unsure of its raisin d'etre.

24. What do you call a cake that's always on time? A promptpony.

25. Why did the cake want to be a lawyer? It was always brief.

26. What did the cake say to the cookie when they broke up? We should crumble apart.

27. Why did the cake feel embarrassed? It had an exposure to too much vanilla.

28. What do you call a cake that's into jazz? A bakerswing.

29. Why did the cake go to the spa? It needed some icing on its self-care routine.

30. What did the cake say to the candy bar? You're such a sweet-you-are.

31. Why did the cake go to the dance? It heard it was a bundt night.

32. What do you call a cake that's into philosophy? A kan-tart-o.

33. Why did the cake feel misunderstood? People always said "You take the cake" like it was a bad thing.

34. What did the cake say to the ice cream? You melt my heart.

35. Why did the cake choose the MBA program? It was looking for batter opportunities.

36. What do you call a cake that's a comedian? A Betty Crocker.

37. Why did the cake feel betrayed? It found out its frosting was two-timing with a pie.

38. What did the cake say when it met the cookie for the first time? You're one tough crumble.

39. Why did the cake go on a road trip? It was seeking some frosted scenery.

40. What do you call a cake that's a detective? A pastry sleuth.

41. Why did the cake go to therapy? It had a lot of emotional layers.

42. What did the cake say to the donut? You're glaze-fully welcome.

43. Why did the cake want to be a stand-up comedian? It always had a knack for apricot.

44. What do you call a cake that's into fitness? A gym-patty.

45. Why did the cake feel inadequate? It always felt like it was too plain.

46. What did the cake say after a long day at work? I'm beat.

47. Why did the cake feel passionate about baking? It always had a soft spot for kneading.

48. What do you call a cake that's into rock music? A batterblast.

49. Why did the cake regret getting into a fight with the scone? It was left with bittersweet feelings.

50. What did the cake say to the pizza? I'm a slice guy myself.
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