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Fruit On A Summer Day

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Go On Red

A watermelon.
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Inside The Green House Riddle

A Watermelon
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Farmer Browns Melons Riddle

Three melons!
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The 100 Pound Watermelon

50 pounds.

In the beginning it is 99 pounds water and 1 pound other stuff. At the end the 1 pound other stuff is 2 percent so the total weight is 50 pounds. 50 pounds - 1 pound other stuff = 49 pounds water. So 99 pounds - 49 pounds = 50 pounds water lost.
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Post Your Watermelon Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Watermelon Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. Why did the watermelon go on a diet? Because it wanted to be a little melon-choly!

2. What do you call a watermelon with a lot of friends? A popular-fruit!

3. How did the watermelon start his own company? He had a seed of an idea!

4. What did the watermelon say to his friend who took him on a road trip? Thanks for the rind-side seat!

5. How does a watermelon pay for things? With his seedy money!

6. Why did the watermelon win the race? He had a good seed- start!

7. What did the farmer say when his watermelons kept disappearing? Someone must have a melon-choly addiction!

8. Why won't anyone invite the watermelon to play games? Because he always seeds the win coming!

9. Why did the watermelon turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!

10. What do you call a watermelon that's been crying? A melon-colic!

11. Why did the watermelon break up with his girlfriend? She was always trying to rind him up!

12. What did the watermelon say to the beach ball? Nice to seed you!

13. What do you call a melon that's been walking all day? Tired-fruit!

14. Why did the watermelon think he was a comedian? Because he had a great melon-dramatic sense of humor!

15. Where do watermelons get their hair done? At the melon-salon!

16. Why is it hard to make friends with a watermelon? They tend to be a little seedy!

17. What do you call a watermelon with an attitude problem? A sour-puss!

18. Why did the watermelon go to drama school? To learn how to seed the scene!

19. What did the watermelon say to the grape? You're so tiny, seedless, and wrinkly- but I still love you!

20. How do you know when a watermelon's happy? It has a big smile-seed!

21. Why is the watermelon so popular? Because he always brings the juice to the party!

22. Why did the watermelon get in trouble at school? He was caught seeding the exam!

23. What do you call a watermelon that's been bullied? A melon-choly victim!

24. Why did the watermelon wear a bowtie to the party? He wanted to be the melon of the ball!

25. What do you call a watermelon that's been stabbed? A fruit-slaughter!

26. Why did the watermelon get kicked out of the movie theater? He was making too much seedless noise!

27. What did the watermelon say to the honeydew? You're such a mellon-choly fellow!

28. Why did the watermelon go on strike? He was tired of always being seeded last!

29. What do you call a watermelon with a PhD? A smart-fruit!

30. Why did the watermelon dress up as a superhero? He wanted to be a melon-ninja!

31. What did the watermelon say to the other fruit after a long day? Time to melon-chill!

32. Why do watermelons make poor detectives? They're always getting distracted by their juicy cases!

33. What do you call a watermelon that's been in a car accident? A smash-mellon!

34. Why does the watermelon always dress so well? He wants to look his seedy best!

35. What do you call a watermelon that's failed at everything? A melon-failure!

36. Why did the watermelon go on a road trip? To see more of his seed-nery!

37. What did the watermelon say to the pineapple? You may be spiky on the outside, but I know there's a soft-fruit inside!

38. Why does the watermelon always have the best time? He knows how to seed the moment!

39. What do you call a watermelon that's been diagnosed with a disease? A sickly-fruit!

40. Why did the watermelon give up on his dream of becoming a musician? Because he couldn't seed the high notes!

41. What do you call a watermelon that's been hurt by love? A broken-heart-fruit!

42. Why did the watermelon buy a lottery ticket? He wanted to be a lucky-fruit!

43. What did the watermelon say to the lemon? I wish I had your zest for life!

44. Why does the watermelon always bring his own knife to a party? He wants to be the seed-slicer!

45. What do you call a watermelon that's been to space? An astro-fruit!

46. Why did the watermelon become a vegetarian? Because he doesn't want to eat his fellow fruits!

47. What do you call a watermelon that's had too much sugar? A hyper-fruit!

48. Why did the watermelon complete a marathon? He wanted to be a seedless-runner!

49. What did the watermelon say when he was asked if he could fix a car? Sorry, I'm not a melon-teer!

50. Why did the watermelon become a comedian? Because he wanted to spread some seedless humor!
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