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Post Your What Is It Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever What Is It Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. What is it that is always in front of you but doesn't show its face? Your future!

2. What is it that comes out at night and when you are asleep, it creeps? Doubts and fears!

3. What is it that always runs but never gets tired? A water tap!

4. What is it that everyone has but never use it? A shadow!

5. What is it that makes you laugh and cry at the same time? A mirror!

6. What is it that runs around the whole yard without moving? A fence!

7. What is it that grows when it is eaten? Teeth!

8. What is it that can't be bought, but can be earned? Respect!

9. What is it that you can't hold for long but you can't live without? Your breath!

10. What is it that you can break by saying its name? Silence!

11. What is it that never asks questions but always gets answers? A calculator!

12. What is it that gets wet while it's drying? A towel!

13. What is it that travels around the world while staying in one spot? A stamp!

14. What is it that can be seen in the dark but disappears in the light? A shadow!

15. What is it that goes up but never comes down? Your age!

16. What is it that has a head and a tail but no body? A coin!

17. What is it that is always in a hurry but never gets anywhere? Time!

18. What is it that is always hungry but never eats? Fire!

19. What is it that you can break without touching it? A heart!

20. What is it that speaks without a mouth and hears without ears? A plant!

21. What is it that always sleeps during the day but wakes up at night? A bat!

22. What is it that gets bigger the more you take away from it? A hole!

23. What is it that is full of holes but still holds water? A sponge!

24. What is it that is always in front of you but can't be seen? Your future!

25. What is it that is always behind you but you can't look at it directly? Memories!

26. What is it that gets wet when it dries? Your hair!

27. What is it that can be broken easily but is hard to fix? Trust!

28. What is it that gets shorter every time you use it? A pencil!

29. What is it that is full of holes but still works? Swiss cheese!

30. What is it that is always coming but never arrives? Tomorrow!

31. What is it that you can't see but can be heard? Your thoughts!

32. What is it that is sharp but can't cut anything? A shadow!

33. What is it that is always in the water but never gets wet? A reflection!

34. What is it that is always in front of you but you can't see it? The future!

35. What is it that is light as a feather but even the world's strongest man can't hold it for more than a minute? Breath!

36. What is it that has no arms and legs but can run for miles? A story!

37. What is it that can be caught but never thrown? A cold!

38. What is it that is always in your hands but never yours to keep? Time!

39. What is it that can't be seen, touched, smelled, or tasted? Love!

40. What is it that is always in your eye but never blinks? The pupil!

41. What is it that can be seen in the sky but never landed on? A rainbow!

42. What is it that can be used to cut but can't be touched? Wind!

43. What is it that goes up and never comes down? Age!

44. What is it that can be eaten but never chewed? Watermelon seeds!

45. What is it that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening? A human!

46. What is it that can be filled but never be emptied? A heart!

47. What is it that can't be seen in the light but can be seen in the dark? Stars!

48. What is it that can't be touched but can be felt? Emotions!

49. What is it that can be heard but not seen? Music!

50. What is it that can be broken even though it's the most valuable thing you have? Trust!
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