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Post Your Coin Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Coin Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. What do you call a coin that's not feeling well? A penny for your thoughts.

2. Why did the coin go to the doctor? It was facing circulation problems.

3. How do you make a coin laugh? You tickle its edge.

4. Why was the coin embarrassed? It showed its face in public.

5. What do you call a coin that's never been used before? A fresh mint.

6. Why was the coin happy? It found its long-lost dime-sister.

7. How do you describe a lucky coin? It's worth its weight in gold.

8. Why did the coins go to the bank? They wanted to make a deposit.

9. What do you call a coin with a hole in it? A doughnut penny.

10. Why was the coin always on time? It had a proper nickel watch.

11. How do you make a coin disappear? Flip it over and make a wish.

12. What do you call a coin that's been passed down through generations? A family heir-loom.

13. Why was the coin always depressed? It never had a cent of humor.

14. Why did the coins go to the arcade? They wanted to play Coin-Op games.

15. What do you call a group of coins working together? A tight-knit purse.

16. How do you describe a very shiny coin? It's a real treasure.

17. Why did the coin volunteer at the soup kitchen? It wanted to make some cents.

18. What do you call a coin that's always cheerful? A happy quarter.

19. How do you describe a well-traveled coin? It's got a passport full of stamps.

20. Why was the coin always exaggerating? It can't help but exagger-penny-ate.

21. What do you call a multi-cultural coin? A quarter-pounder with cheese.

22. Why did the coin break up with its girlfriend? She didn't want to be just a penny coin.

23. How do you describe a very old coin? It's vintage, like a fine wine.

24. What do you call a coin that gets lost easily? A wander-lust nickel.

25. Why did the coin start a band? It heard that music was its forte.

26. What do you call a coin with a big ego? A pompous nickel.

27. How do you describe a coin that's always in motion? It's a rolling stone.

28. Why did the coin go to the gym? It wanted to get buff-a-lo nickels.

29. What do you call a coin that's always making wise-cracks? A jester-joule.

30. Why did the coins go to the amusement park? They wanted to ride the cent-rocoaster.

31. How do you describe a lazy coin? A non-motivated penny.

32. What do you call a coin that goes on adventures? A brave quarter.

33. Why did the coin try to avoid the bank account? It wasn't interested in long-term investments.

34. How do you describe a coin that's always dancing? It's got some serious moves.

35. What do you call a coin that's a great listener? A wise head.

36. Why did the coin take up painting? It wanted to make cents-ational art.

37. How do you describe a shy coin? A copper introvert.

38. What do you call a coin with a big appetite? A money-hungry penny.

39. Why did the coin enroll in acting classes? It wanted to mint a career in Hollywood.

40. How do you describe a very stubborn coin? A firm-pressed penny.

41. What do you call a coin that's always well-dressed? A beau-tie-ful dime.

42. Why did the coin start a Youtube channel? It wanted to make some coin-tent.

43. How do you describe a secretive coin? A mystery quarter.

44. What do you call a coin that's always on the lookout? A vigil-ant nickel.

45. Why did the coin become a writer? It wanted to pen-nickel it's thoughts and feelings.

46. How do you describe a loyal coin? It sticks together through thick and thin.

47. What do you call a coin that's good at math? A dime-ensional brain.

48. Why did the coin have trouble making new friends? It was too half-hearted.

49. How do you describe a pretend coin? It's a mimic-kle.

50. What do you call a coin that's always guilty? A penny for your crime.
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