Fun Facts (Hints)

Check below for a few interesting facts about riddles and how the art form has influenced many diverse civilizations for hundreds of years:
  • Riddles have been around for thousands of years.
  • Tablets found in Central America are said to have been etched by the Ancient Mesopotamian people.
  • There are two main types the North American/English culture. These two types are conundrum and enigma.
  • In many cultures, forms of riddle immersed in folklore is what has been used for centuries to past down tradition.
  • The word 'hidot' is the Hebrew version of the English word riddle.
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    Boxes Of Balls Riddle

    Just One!

    Because we know all labels are wrong.
    So the BW box must be either BB or WW. Selecting one ball from BW will let you know which.
    And the other two boxes can then be worked out logically.
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    Animals In The Fridge Riddle

    1. We open the door, put the elephant in the refrigerator and close the door.
    2. We should open the door, take the elephant out of refrigerator, put the giraffe in and close the door
    3. The giraffe, hes still in the refrigerator
    4. You swim across all the crocodile are at the party.
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    Coins In My Wallet Riddle


    3 placed flat on the table in a triangle(touching each other) and put the fourth one on top of them in the middle.
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    Finding The Number Riddle

    Number 194
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    A Dime And A Dollar Riddle

    A nickel. The dog cost $ 1.05.
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    Down The Chimney Riddle

    An umbrella
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    Burns Me There Riddle

    Rearrange the letters of BURN ME THERE and they spell out the words THREE NUMBERS!
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    Shotgun Pete Riddle

    Pete owned 12 guns.
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    A Boy Born In May Riddle

    He could be born in the month of June in a town called May. When he grows up, he could officiate his mother's wedding and "marry" her to someone else.
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    Paul's Weight

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    How Did He Know?

    It was a bright and sunny day.
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    What Seven Letter Word

    Hint: This word is heavy.
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    Post Your Confusing Riddles Puns Below

    Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Confusing Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

    1. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!

    2. Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!

    3. Why did the chicken cross the basketball court? To get to the other wing!

    4. Why did the football team go to the bank? To get their quarterback!

    5. Why did the cookie go to the doctor? Because it was feeling crumbly!

    6. Why did the grape stop in the middle of the road? Because it ran out of juice!

    7. Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired!

    8. Why did the computer go to the doctor? Because it had a virus!

    9. Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because it wasn't peeling well!

    10. Why did the snowman refuse to drink carrot juice? Because he was afraid it would turn him into a vegetable!

    11. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!

    12. Why did the pig go to the casino? He wanted to play the slop machine!

    13. Why did the mushroom go to the party? Because he was a fungi to be with!

    14. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses? Because her students were so bright!

    15. Why did the singer have to sleep with the light on? Because she was afraid of the pitch black!

    16. Why did the elephant paint its toenails red? So it could hide in a strawberry patch!

    17. Why did the farmer bury all his money? Because he wanted to sow his wild oats!

    18. Why did the chef break up with his bread? It didn't rise to the occasion!

    19. Why did the clock go to the shrink? Because it had too many ticks!

    20. Why did the bird go to the doctor? Because it had a tweetable disease!

    21. Why did the tree go to the dentist? Because it had a rotten root!

    22. Why did the pirate go to the Apple store? He wanted to buy an iPatch!

    23. Why did the marathon runner visit the shoe store? He needed a new sole!

    24. Why did the penguin marry the polar bear? Because he wanted to get some cold feet!

    25. Why did the mermaid call the insurance company? She needed life guard!

    26. Why did the skunk get a job at the perfume factory? He was good at scenting things out!

    27. Why did the artist paint a rabbit on his canvas? He wanted to hare his art with others!

    28. Why did the carpenter become a doctor? He was good at nailing injections!

    29. Why did the chicken go to the seance? It wanted to talk to the other side!

    30. Why did the pickpocket go to law school? He wanted to learn how to plea bargain!

    31. Why did the ghost go into the bar? To order a boozy drink!

    32. Why did the policeman cross the street? He saw some jaywalkers and wanted to catch them on the fly!

    33. Why did the tennis ball go to the bank? It wanted to see if it had any net worth!

    34. Why did the baker go to the doctor? He had a yeast infection!

    35. Why did the ballerina go to the dentist? She had a tutu-th ache!

    36. Why did the banana go to the bar? It wanted to get peeled!

    37. Why did the wrestler visit the music store? He wanted to buy some body slams!

    38. Why did the astronaut wear diapers to the moon? In case he needed to look for some space toilets!

    39. Why did the lawyer eat paper? He was trying to file a brief!

    40. Why did the cow start a detective agency? She wanted to investigate the moos!

    41. Why did the cavemen wear animal skins? They didn't have an Asda or Tesco nearby!

    42. Why did the frog go to the costume party? He wanted to be a prince for a night!

    43. Why did the fireflies break up? Because one of them found someone brighter!

    44. Why did the soul singer get lost in the wilderness? She lost her groove!

    45. Why did the duck watch the ball game? He was rooting for the home team!

    46. Why did the mechanic become a chef? He was good at juggling tools!

    47. Why did the vampire catch the internet bug? He was a web-atic!

    48. Why did the werewolf join the pack? He was itching for some company!

    49. Why did the detective visit the horse ranch? He was trying to uncover a stable identity!

    50. Why did the cat go to the gym? She wanted to work on her purr-formance!
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