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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Ammonia And Pneumonia Riddle

Ammonia is found in bottles; pneumonia is found in chests.
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Sergeant Headaches Riddle

Because they always yell, Tension!.
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Sailor And A Sick Blind Man Riddle

One cant go to sea; the other cant see to go.
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Boxing And A Cold Riddle

A boxer knows his blows; a person with a cold blows his nose.
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Not Feeling Well Riddle

A pair of gloves on your hands.
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The Common Cold Riddle

One blows a sneeze; the other blows a breeze.
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7 Diet Days Riddle

They make one weak (week).
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Curing A Sick Hog Riddle

Oinkment (ointment).
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The Ill Woman Riddle

Of cough (course).
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Removing An Appendix Riddle

"Thats enough out of you."
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Tooth Ache And A Rainy Day

One is roaring with pain; the other is pouring with rain.
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The Nervous Kid Riddle

"Yes, I chew my nails every day."
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Too Many Flowers Riddle

High bud-pressure.
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Seasick Auctions Riddle

One is the effects of a sail and the other is a sale of effects.
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Growth From Your Head Riddle

A haircut.
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Post Your Health Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Health Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. What do you call a vegetable's workout? A sweat-pea session!

2. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!

3. What is the most musical fruit? The blueberries!

4. Why do bananas need sunscreen? Because they might peel!

5. Why did the chicken go to the seance? To talk to the other-side of the road!

6. What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, it just let out a little wine!

7. Why did the lettuce break up with the celery? It just didn’t like how stalky it was!

8. What do you call a monkey in a suit? A banana congress-monkey!

9. What do you call a doctor who treats scary vegetable diseases? A broccoli-ologist!

10. Why do avocados make such good friends? They always have a good guac-pour!

11. How do you keep broccoli fresh? Put it in the fridge and call it your bestie!

12. Why did the pepper need glasses? Because it couldn’t find the jalapeño business!

13. What do you get when you cross a banana with an antelope? A fruit-deer!

14. How do you know if a pineapple is telling the truth? They don’t lie, they just stan-fib with their leaves!

15. Why did the apple go to the doctor? Because it had a sweet tooth!

16. Why do pickles need to watch their salt intake? To prevent their cucumbers from puckering up!

17. What do you call a workout that involves vegetables? A gymnasium!

18. Why did the potato break up with the tomato? It only wanted to see them on Fry-day!

19. What do you call a group of bananas in therapy? A bunch of peels!

20. Why did the cherry break up with the lime? They just couldn’t shake it off!

21. What kind of milk comes from almond-cow hybrids? Nutter-butter milk!

22. What do you call a belt that stops a vegetable from losing weight? A waist-watcher!

23. What do you get when you cross a raisin with a grape? An Uva-Port!

24. Why can’t potatoes make any friends? Because they’re all just mashed and fried!

25. What do you call it when a carrot gets mad? It gets fed-up!

26. Why did the marmalade break up with the toast? They just couldn’t jam together!

27. How do you know if an orange is getting in shape? It starts to get zestful!

28. Why did the watermelon fail the test? Because they couldn’t answer the rind questions!

29. What do you get when a pear stares at someone? Pear-ed at them!

30. Why did the strawberry go to school? It wanted to be berry smart!

31. What is a ghost's favorite fruit? Boo-berry!

32. Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because it was feeling a-peel-ing!

33. Where do fruits play sports? At the cherry-pit!

34. What do you call a bunch of doctors eating fruit? A medial fruit-cation!

35. Why do vegetables make terrible jokes? Because they aren’t always pun-ned up enough!

36. What do you call an apple in disguise? A rot-in-disguise!

37. Why do pumpkins get all of the attention on Halloween? Because they gourd-geous!

38. What did the blueberry say when it got bumped? It just let out a little jam!

39. Why did the avocado go to college? Because it wanted to become a fruit-surgeon!

40. How do you cure movie-sick jalapeño poppers? You just need some medicorn on the cob!

41. What do you call a carrot that’s afraid of vegetables? A terrified type of eat-er!

42. Why did the pear break up with the apple? It just felt too bad to the core!

43. What do you get when you combine a tomato with a potato? A spud-tato!

44. What do you call a health guru sliced in half? A cut-tup fitness expert!

45. Why did the orange go to the doctor? It had a case of the citrush!

46. What did the grape say when it stepped on the bugs? Nothing, it was just raisin the bar!

47. Why do apples make terrible comedians? Because their jokes can be core-ny!

48. Why did the celery go to the psychiatrist? It thought it was just a little bit different stalk!

49. What do you call a gym that’s only open to vegetables? The veg-out!

50. Why are green apples so wise? Because they have pips of knowledge!
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