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Post Your Inference Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Inference Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. I tried to steal some eggs from the local farm but got caught. I guess you could say it was an eggs-crime-inference.

2. When I tried to fix the broken toaster, I shocked myself. I guess I made a bad current-inference.

3. I saw a squirrel devour a whole pizza by the side of the road. I guess he had a lot of dough-nuts inference.

4. After my friend ate a whole bag of jalapeno chips, he couldn't stop sweating. I guess he had too much heat-inference.

5. When my grandfather fell asleep in the sun, he woke up with a raccoon tan. I guess he made a bad nap-inference.

6. After I accidentally put salt instead of sugar in my coffee, I had a bitter-brew-inference.

7. When my friend's cat snuggled up to me, I realized it had fleas. I guess I had a cat-itch-inference.

8. I saw a dog wearing a sweater on a hot day, I guess he was trying to make a fashion-fur-ward-inference.

9. When my roommate ordered a veggie pizza with extra cheese, I knew she was trying to kale her cravings-inference.

10. After my sister drank ten cups of coffee, she was jittery all day. I guess she made a caffeine-hands-inference.

11. When my friend's phone fell in the toilet, I knew she had a bad connection-inference.

12. After eating too much candy, I felt like I was going to barf. I guess I had a sugar-rush-inference.

13. When my neighbor installed a new fence, I knew he was a good barrier-inference.

14. I tried to take a picture of a ghost, but it came out blurry. I guess I had a spooky-camera-inference.

15. When I fell on the ice, I realized I was not winter-proof-inference.

16. After my brother forgot his lines in the school play, I knew he had a bad stage-fright-inference.

17. When my coworker slipped on a banana peel, I knew it was a bunch of nonsense-inference.

18. I saw a bird with a broken wing, I guess you could say it was a bird in-crippling-debt-inference.

19. After my roommate went vegetarian, I knew she didn't have a beef with me-inference.

20. When my cousin made a mess while cooking, I knew she was a real saucy-dish-inference.

21. I saw a dog wearing a hat, I guess you could say he was barking up the right tree-inference.

22. When my mom tried to make sushi for the first time, I knew it was a raw deal-inference.

23. After I got a bad haircut, I looked like a real cut-down-inference.

24. When my friend got a new job at the circus, I knew she was a real career-flyer-inference.

25. I tried to fix my bike and ended up with a flat tire. I guess it was a cycle-error-inference.

26. After my sister lost her shoe at the park, I knew she had a sole-searching-inference.

27. When I tried to make pancakes from scratch, I knew it was a flop-inference.

28. I saw a cow jumping over the moon, I guess it had a mooving-experience-inference.

29. When my friend forgot her lunch at home, I knew she was having a fork-etful day-inference.

30. After my dog ate my homework, I knew I had a real chew-sing-inference.

31. When I tried to make a joke about submarines, nobody laughed. I guess it was under their heads-inference.

32. I saw a cat playing with a ball of yarn, I guess it was a real paws-sibility-inference.

33. When my friend tried to make a long-distance call, she got disconnected. I guess it was a bad ring-cidence-inference.

34. After I spilled hot chocolate on my shirt, I knew I had a real stain-shame-inference.

35. When my brother tried to make a snowman, he ended up with a snowball fight. I guess he had a frosty-disposition-inference.

36. I saw a bird singing on a tree, I guess you could say it was a chirping-yew-nity-inference.

37. When my friend tried to make a homemade pizza, she couldn't get the dough to rise. I guess she had a real crust-buster-inference.

38. After my dad tried to fix the car and got oil everywhere, I knew he had a slick problem-inference.

39. When I tried to make a joke about the ocean, it fell flat. I guess it was too deep-inference.

40. I saw a dog playing the piano, I guess he had a real pianist-barkin'-inference.

41. After my friend forgot her phone at home, I knew she was having a mobile-less-inference.

42. When I tried to make a joke about fire trucks, nobody laughed. I guess it was a real hose job-inference.

43. I saw a spider spinning a web, I guess it was a real web of destiny-inference.

44. When my mom tried to make a smoothie and ended up with a mess, I knew it was a real fruit slip-up-inference.

45. After my sister tried to fix her computer, it crashed. I guess she had a bad computer-ference.

46. When I tried to make a joke about math, nobody counted on it. I guess it was a real division of laughter-inference.

47. I saw a monkey swinging on a vine, I guess it had a real jungle groove-inference.

48. When my friend ordered a pizza with extra cheese and then fell asleep, I knew she was having a real-dream cheese-inference.

49. After I tried to make a joke about the sun, nobody shined on it. I guess it was a real cloudy joke-inference.

50. When I saw a watermelon that was bigger than my car, I knew it was a real melon-collision-inference.
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