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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Post Your Nurse Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Nurse Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. What did the nurse say when she saw the patient without a bed in the emergency room? "Looks like you're in a bed-less emergency!"

2. Why was the nurse always calm under pressure? Because she had a lot of bed side manners!

3. Why did the nurse bring a red pen to work? To draw blood, of course!

4. Why did the nurse go on a diet? Because she wanted to be a slim nurse practitioner!

5. Why did the nurse quit her job at the optometrist's office? She couldn't get the pupils to cooperate!

6. What did the nurse say when her patient refused to take his medicine? "Fine, I guess we'll just have to meet tablets way!"

7. Why did the nurse always carry a pen and paper? To chart her progress!

8. Why did the nurse have a special outfit just for giving shots? It was her needlepoint!

9. Why did the nurse make Dad jokes all the time? She was trying to be a gallows humor-ist!

10. Why did the nurse refuse to give the patient a blank stare? She preferred giving them a blank chart!

11. Why did the nurse always have motivational posters on her walls? They were her bedside mannerisms!

12. Why did the doctor trust the nurse with all of his secrets? He knew she would doctor the charts!

13. Why did the nurse have a poor sense of direction? She always chart-ed the wrong course!

14. Why did the nurse wear a belt to work? She didn't want any excess chart hanging around!

15. Why did the nurse have a personal vendetta against penicillin? Because she was allergic to narratives!

16. What did the nurse say when her patient complained about her bedside manner? "Well, at least I stirred things up!"

17. Why did the nurse always have fresh flowers in her office? She wanted to set a calming atmosphere!

18. Why did the nurse wear a cape to work? Because she was their resident super-shero!

19. Why did the nurse always insist on wearing gloves? To keep her hands from falling asleep on the job!

20. What did the nurse say when her patient woke up from surgery and wanted to see the bill? "It's still an esti-mate!"

21. Why did the nurse have a strong dislike for the number 12? It was always getting under her skin!

22. What did the nurse say when her patient asked about the time she spent on the job? "Oh, I'm just chart-ing my time!"

23. Why did the nurse dress as a clown on Halloween? She wanted to give her patients an amusing experience!

24. Why did the nurse choose surgery over medicine? She liked to cut right to the chase!

25. Why did the nurse have an affinity for lemons? Because they always gave her a fresh outlook!

26. What did the nurse say when a patient asked to see her credentials? "Don't worry, I'm certifiably qualified!"

27. Why did the nurse always have a stethoscope around her neck? So she could keep a pulse on her patients!

28. Why did the nurse hold her pen like a sword? She was always fighting for her patients' health!

29. Why did the nurse get angry when her patient refused to listen to her advice? "I guess I'm just giving a sound script here!"

30. Why did the nurse love crossword puzzles? They always gave her a mental chartge!

31. Why did the nurse refuse to use calculators? She said they were taking the problems off the charts!

32. What did the nurse say when she got a call for a code blue? "I'll just chart my way over there!"

33. Why did the nurse love to bake bread? She always enjoyed kneading anything!

34. Why did the nurse have a strong aversion to two-dimensional charts? She said they were just graphs without personality!

35. Why did the nurse love food? It was just like charting, she said – you never know what you're going to get!

36. What did the nurse say to her patient when they couldn't stop coughing? "Well, I guess I'll just keep checking out your vitals!"

37. Why did the nurse refuse to watch any medical shows on TV? She said it was too real chart-topping!

38. Why did the nurse always have a calculator with her? To make sure she wasn't charting a messy equation!

39. Why did the nurse have a fascination with blackboards? She loved solving problems with chartmatic equations!

40. Why did the nurse own a calculator watch? She said it was just in case her math was off-chart!

41. What did the nurse say when her patient asked for a hug? "Sorry, I don't have the chart for that!"

42. Why did the nurse refuse to use a generic pen? She said it chart-ted the wrong tone!

43. Why did the nurse switch from working nights to days? She said it was time to chart a new course!

44. Why did the nurse always have a jar of honey in her locker? To sweeten the chart!

45. What did the nurse say when her patient asked if she knew what to do? "Of course, I have the chart in my hand!"

46. Why did the nurse refuse to use a ballpoint pen? She said it didn't have the write chart!

47. Why did the nurse love to work in the OR? She said it was a cut above the rest!

48. Why did the nurse always have a positive attitude? She said it was the only way to chart a new day!

49. What did the nurse say when someone told her she was remarkable? "I prefer chart-topping!"

50. Why did the nurse refuse to wear a name tag? She said she charted her own course!
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