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Riddles and Answers © 2024

The Actions Of Pericles

Pericles must answer Antiochus' riddle to win the hand of his daughter. If he fails he will face death. The riddle is:

"I am no viper, yet I feed
On mother's flesh which did me breed.
I sought a husband, in which labour
I found that kindness in a father:
He's father, son, and husband mild;
I mother, wife, and yet his child.
How they may be, and yet in two,
As you will live, resolve it you."

What does Pericles do?
Understands the riddle to mean incest and hints to Antiochus his understanding.

Antiochus realises from Pericles' hints that Pericles has understood the riddle and determines to have him killed. I am not aware of any other reference to incest in Shakespeare. Incest seems to retain its rightful shock value much more in Shakespeare and the classics.
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