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Great Birnam Wood Riddle

The third apparition in "Macbeth", a child carrying a tree (what a hint), says that Macbeth shall not vanquished be 'until Great Birnam wood to high _________ hill shall come against him'.

What is the name of the hill?
The third apparition in "Macbeth", a child carrying a tree (what a hint), says that Macbeth shall not vanquished be 'until Great Birnam wood to high _________ hill shall come against him'.

What is the name of the hill?

Macduff and the opposing forces camouflage themselves with branches from Birnam Forest. Dunsinane is a peak of the Sidlaw Hills, in the parish of Collace, Perthshire, Scotland, 8 m. N.E. of Perth. It is 1012 ft. high, and commands a fine view of the Carse of Gowrie and the valley of the Tay. Its chief claim is due to the association with Birnam Wood (about 12 m. N.W.) in these passages in Macbeth. An old fort on the summit, of which faint traces are still discernible, is traditionally called Macbeth's Castle.
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