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The Weight Of A Melon Riddle

Watermelon is 99% water. I have 100 pounds of watermelon. After a week, drying in the sun, the shriveled watermelon had only dried down to being 98% water. What is the total weight of the watermelon now?
Watermelon is 99% water. I have 100 pounds of watermelon. After a week, drying in the sun, the shriveled watermelon had only dried down to being 98% water. What is the total weight of the watermelon now?
Hint: We are to determine X the total mass of melon after the drying. The Dry weight, DW is 1lb both before and after the drying. The New Water weight, WNW is clearly X - DW or X - 1
50 lbs.
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