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Chances Of A 2nd Girl Riddle

Tipli and Pikli are a married couple (dont ask me who he is and who she is)

They have two children, one of the child is a boy. Assume safely that the probability of each gender is 1/2.

What is the probability that the other child is also a boy?
Hint: It is not 1/2 as you would first think.

This is a famous question in understanding conditional probability, which simply means that given some information you might be able to get a better estimate.

The following are possible combinations of two children that form a sample space in any earthly family:

Boy - Girl
Girl - Boy
Boy - Boy
Girl - Girl

Since we know one of the children is a boy, we will drop the girl-girl possibility from the sample space.
This leaves only three possibilities, one of which is two boys. Hence the probability is 1/3
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