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Mountain Of Love Riddle

Nothing. She divorced him for never being at home.
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Coffee Diner Riddle

Hint: A man walks into a diner and sits down. There's a new waitress working that he's never seen before. When she comes to his table to take his order, he says "Just a cup of coffee please." A few minutes later the waitress brings the man his coffee and heads
Because the coffee was sweet. The man had added sugar to his coffee before noticing the fly. When the waitress brought him the "new" cup of coffee, he took a sip (to check whether it was in fact a newly poured cup of coffee) and noticed that the coffee was "already" sweet.
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The Detective Trap Riddle

Detective Sara Dunts realized she had walked into a trap when she heard the extra set of footsteps. Hearing the footsteps on the stairs made her remember what her partner had said, "Mr. John Gooding had mysteriously vanished from his one story home." She then realized that this was not Mr. Goodings home because at that very moment she realized that she was climbing stairs in a supposedly one story house. Sara immediately called for backup and arrested Mrs. Glen. She then walked down the stairs to find Mr. Gooding near the bottom. The two had planned on kidnapping and killing Sara for putting Mr. Goodings niece and Mrs. Glens son in jail for murder. Both went to jail to serve their time.
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Too Many Photos Riddle

One president served non-consecutive terms (there was a president between his terms) so he held two different presidencies. The president who really did this was Grover Cleveland.
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Captured By The Riddler

P3 can only be certain of his cap if 1 & 2 are both white. Since he is not certain then 1 & 2 must be either white/red or red/red. 2 knows this but the only combination that he will be able to know the colour of his own cap is if he sees that 1 is wearing a white cap. 1 knows this but as 2 remains uncertain then 1 must be wearing a red cap.
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My Father's Son Riddle

The man in the painting is his son.
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Little Johnny's Bet Riddle

He just doesn't take the bet. This gives him a 100 percent chance of getting the money home. If he takes the bet with 1 die he has a 50 percent chance of winning. If he takes the bet with 2 dice he has about a 56 percent chance of winning. If he takes the bet with 3 dice he has about a 42 percent chance of winning.
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The couple is either a man and his daughter or an uncle and his niece.
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The Man At The Door

The stranger said that he thought the room was his. If so, he must have had the keys to the room and thus he must not have knocked.
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Out The Abandoned Building Riddle

If the man had committed suicide, the window that he jumped from should have been left opened. But all the windows facing the dead body were closed. This means that someone closed the window after the man died.
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John's Three Daughters Riddle

"Is she older than her?"

Explanation: (He would ask one of the daughters if one of the other daughters is older than the last daughter). He always should pick the younger daughter based on what he knows. If he asks the older daughter and she says yes, then the youngest daughter will be known. If he asks the older daughter and she says no, then the youngest daughter is the other one. If he asks the youngest daughter and she says yes, she is lying and he will still pick the oldest. If he asks the youngest and she says no, he will just pick the other like in the first case. If he asks the middle daughter it doesn't matter because both will be acceptable choices.
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Crossing The Bridge Riddle

Let us denote the four people with A, B, C and D.
A takes 1 minute to cross, B takes 2, C takes 5 and D takes 10.

A and B cross first spending 2 minutes.
A comes back with torch taking 1 minute.
C and D cross taking 10 minutes.
B comes back with torch taking 2 minutes.
Finally, A and B cross the bridge taking 2 minutes.

2 + 1 + 10 + 2 + 2 = 17 minutes

Thus, this is the way they all managed to cross that bridge that night.
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Person In The Painting Riddle

The son of the man who was studying the painting.
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Out For Pizza Riddle

It isn't raining outside.
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Hit By A Bus Riddle

The man had been on a cruise with his wife. They had shipwrecked on a deserted island, and the mans wife had died. The people on the island were starving. One day the people brought some food to the man, saying that it was an albatross they had shot. When the man went to the restaurant and tasted the albatross, he realized that what he had eaten before must not have been albatross at all. He realized that he had likely eaten his wife. The thought made him so upset that he dashed out into the road without looking for traffic.
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