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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Two Doors Riddle

This is a logic question and can be answered if one realizes that the TRUTH of a LIE is a LIE, and the LIE of a TRUTH is a LIE. You need one guard to give you the other guards answer. Knowing this one could ask a question like, If I were to ask the other guard which door leads to freedom, what would he say?

If you ask the guard who always tells the truth, he would tell you the other guard would point you to the door of death. If you ask the guard who always lies, he would tell you the opposite door of the truth-telling guard and point you to the door of death. In either case, both guards will point to the door of death so you should choose the other one.
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Egg In A Glass Riddle

Hint: Without doing anything to the egg, the egg can't fit into the bottle
First, soak the egg in the vinegar which softens the shell without compromising the egg. Next, take some of the writing paper and shred it into pieces. Take the shredded pieces and put them into the glass bottle. Take a match and light a fire inside the bottle with the shredded paper. After, take the vinegar-soaked egg and put it on the top of the bottle so no oxygen can get into the bottle. The fire can't live without any oxygen so it will try to suck oxygen from the entrance which the egg is blocking. When the fire does this, the fire becomes like a vacuum. So, basically, the fire sucks the egg into the bottle to try to get the oxygen. After a short while, the shell will reharden and that's how the egg got into the bottle.
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A Token Of Love Riddle

A flower.
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Japanese Ship Thief Riddle

The thief is the Sri Lankan seaman. They are on a Japanese ship, so it will bear a Japanese flag. The Japanese flag will look the same upside down.
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Cursed As A Baby Riddle

Sleeping Beauty
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Lifting An Elephant Riddle

It is not a problem, since you will never find an elephant with one hand.
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Coffee Diner Riddle

Hint: A man walks into a diner and sits down. There's a new waitress working that he's never seen before. When she comes to his table to take his order, he says "Just a cup of coffee please." A few minutes later the waitress brings the man his coffee and heads
Because the coffee was sweet. The man had added sugar to his coffee before noticing the fly. When the waitress brought him the "new" cup of coffee, he took a sip (to check whether it was in fact a newly poured cup of coffee) and noticed that the coffee was "already" sweet.
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A Face That Does Not Frown

I am a Clock
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As Long As A Football Field Riddle

Floss. It typically comes in 100 yard packs, which fit easily in your hand. If you dont floss regularly, your gums will bleed. You use floss in your mouth then throw it away when youre done.
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Like An Indian Riddle

A picture of an Indian
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As Close As A Friend Riddle

A smile.
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Make Or Break Riddle

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The Tiger, Princess And Merchant Riddle

The boy chooses the paper and eats it without showing anyone the word on the paper and says, "I have made my decision. If the paper with tiger on it is left then I must have chosen the princess." They opened the remaining piece with the word tiger written on it. The boy got to marry his princess after all.
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3 Princesses Riddle

He called the princess and told her to walk to him and to touch his hand.
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No Clapping Riddle

A clock.
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