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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Rolling Egg Riddle

Roosters don't lay eggs, hens do!
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Eggs On A Barn Riddle

An eggroll!
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Turkey Across The Road

To prove he wasn't chicken!
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Evil Hen Riddle

Deviled eggs!
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Cross The Road Riddle

To get to the other side!
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Tough Chicken Riddles

Hard-boiled eggs!
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Laying Eggs Riddle

Scrambled eggs!)
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Raining Chickens And Ducks

What do you call it when it rains chickens and ducks?
Body parts remaining: 6
Foul weather
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Sunburned Chicken

Fried Chicken
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The Turkey Crossing The Road

It was the chicken's day off
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1 Year Of Chickens

It is impossible to know because the chicken's babies could also have babies during this time.
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Post Your Chicken Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Chicken Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side! Wait, that's not funny...

1. Why did the chicken join a band? To play the drumsticks!

2. How does a chicken mail a letter? With a henvelope!

3. What do you get when a chicken lays an egg on top of a barn? An egg-stravagant roof!

4. What do you call a chicken that's always trying to start a fight? A trouble cluck-er!

5. Why did the chicken go to the seance? To talk to Colonel Sanders from beyond the grave!

6. What's a chicken's favorite dance? The Pullet-esca!

7. Why did the chicken go to the beach? To get a little sun and some chick-nic!

8. What do you call a chicken that's always hogging the remote? A channel-clucking fowl!

9. Why did the chicken go to the movies? To see Gone With the Wind Beneath My Wings!

10. What do you call a chicken who's always trying to get away with something? A chick-y sneak-y!

11. Why did the chicken join the skydiving club? For the feathers of a rush!

12. What do you call a chicken that's always stealing jewelry? A cluckpocket!

13. Why did the chicken borrow money from his friends? To start a poultry in motion!

14. How do you know when a chicken is done cooking? When it says "cluck!"

15. What kind of music do chickens listen to? Fowl rock!

16. Why did the chicken join the book club? For the hen-lightening discussions!

17. How do you make scrambled eggs for a chicken? You hen-scramble them!

18. What do you call a chicken who's always taking selfies? A chick-o-grapher!

19. Why did the chicken go to the library? To check out "50 Shades of Beaks"!

20. How do you know when a chicken is really excited? When it's egg-static!

21. What do you call a chicken who's always trying to give advice? A wise cluck!

22. Why did the chicken go to church on Sunday? To listen to the hentor preach!

23. How do you keep a chicken from crossing the road? You egg-splain to them why it's a bad idea!

24. What do you call a chicken that's always wearing sunglasses? A cool cluck!

25. Why did the chicken start an exercise routine? To get egg-stra fit!

26. How do you make a chicken sandwich? You hen-press it!

27. What's a chicken's favorite movie? The Good, The Bad, and The Clucky!

28. Why did the chicken join the theater club? For the egg-citing performances!

29. What do you call a chicken who's always trying to be the center of attention? A cluckbait!

30. How do you sell a chicken? You hen-troduce it to potential buyers!

31. Why did the chicken visit the eye doctor? To get its cluck-ular vision checked!

32. What do you call a chicken who's always dressed up fancy? A chick-in-a-tuxedo!

33. How do you make a chicken stop talking? You egg-nore it until it clucks up!

34. Why did the chicken go to the dentist? To get its eggs-amined!

35. What's a chicken's favorite game show? Jeop-chick-ardy!

36. How do you know when a chicken is in a bad mood? When it starts hen-pecking everything!

37. What do you call a chicken who's always making elaborate plans? A cluck-strategist!

38. Why did the chicken join the yoga class? For the egg-sotic stretches!

39. What's a chicken's favorite color? Egg-shell-ent Green!

40. How do you make a chicken salad? From scratch!

41. Why did the chicken go to the police station? To report a cluck-and-run accident!

42. What's a chicken's favorite opera? The Barber of Sev-cluck!

43. How do you make an omelette for a chicken? You hen-stuff it with all the best ingredients!

44. What do you call a chicken who's always dropping things? A cluck-sy fowl!

45. Why did the chicken start a blog? To share its egg-speriences with the world!

46. What's a chicken's favorite holiday? Easter, of course!

47. How do you make a chicken nugget? You hen-solate the best parts of the chicken and fry them up!

48. What do you call a chicken who's always trying to crack a joke? A pun-ster fowl!

49. Why did the chicken go to the gym? To pump disco-chicks!

50. What's a chicken's favorite rapper? Tupac-cluck-er!
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