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Riddles and Answers © 2024

A Prison You Feel Safe In

Your comfort zone.
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Most Vulnerable Moments Riddle

Doubts and fears.
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Don't Wait For It...

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You Only Can Have It Once...

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Feeling Special Riddle

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Make Or Break Riddle

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Live Between The Extremes

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Some Things Money Cant Buy

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Post Your Inspirational Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Inspirational Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!

2. What did the banana say to the apple? Orange you glad we're all friends?

3. Why did the strawberry go on a date with the pineapple? Because it was a berry sweet connection!

4. What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, it just let out a little wine.

5. Why did the watermelon go on a diet? It wanted to be a little melon-choly!

6. Why did the pepper feel self-conscious? Because it felt jalapeño business!

7. What did the carrot say to the pea? Lettuce turnip the beat and rock it all night!

8. Why did the corn refuse to jump? Because it was too kernel to risk it!

9. What do you call a melon that's been playing hide-and-seek too long? Cant-eloupe!

10. Why did the onion feel underappreciated? Because it felt like it was being chopped into pieces!

11. Why did the mushroom get invited to all the parties? Because it was a fungi to be with!

12. What is a banana's favorite yoga pose? Peel-a-sana!

13. Why did the grapes go on strike? To protest against being crushed!

14. What do you call a honeydew that needs a nap? A sleep-a-melon!

15. Why did the asparagus have a great sense of humor? Because it was always spearing jokes!

16. What do you call a flower that runs out of petals? Daisyed and confused!

17. Why was the strawberry always nervous? It was always in a jam!

18. What do you call a tuba player who only eats healthy food? A brass-ic musician!

19. Why did the potato feel depressed? Because it was peeling down!

20. What do you call a group of cows playing instruments? A moo-sical band!

21. Why did the sushi roll down the hill? Because it was too hot to hold!

22. What do you call a fruit that can't swim? A water-melon!

23. Why did the baker start using hashtags? #BakeItTillYouMakeIt!

24. What do you call a person who can speak multiple languages and cook? A linguine chef!

25. What do you call a music-loving vegetable? A beet-boxer!

26. Why did the tomato go to the doctor? Because it was feeling a little saucy!

27. What do you call a mushroom that can't get its act together? A fungi-failure!

28. What do you call a chef who can't boil water? A des-pasta-trophi!

29. Why did the avocado go on vacation? To guac and roll!

30. What is a pepper's favorite type of music? Jalapeño pop!

31. Why did the fruit juice go out partying? To get its pulp fiction groove on!

32. What do you call a snack that's always there for you? A true friend-chip!

33. Why did the pancake get in trouble at school? Because it was flipping off!

34. What do you call a chicken that's an expert in karate? A chopstick ninja!

35. Why did the coffee file a police report? Because it got mugged!

36. What do you call a vegetable that's always happy? A beet-attitude!

37. Why did the mushroom make a great detective? Because it was always on the spore!

38. What do you call a tomato that can't hold its liquor? A bloody shaken-not-stirred!

39. Why did the pea always have a positive outlook on life? Because it was always looking at the bright side!

40. What do you call a fruit that's always breaking the law? A rebelious berry!

41. Why did the sushi get in trouble with the law? It was caught rolling a joint!

42. What do you call a chef who's always in trouble? A saucy criminal!

43. Why did the lemon feel overworked? Because it was pucked out!

44. What do you call it when a tomato becomes a superhero? Ketch-up with the Avengers!

45. Why did the carrot have a successful business? It was always rooted in its values!

46. What do you call a snack that's very protective? Guard-chips!

47. Why did the steak go on a diet? It wanted to slim down its steak-hold!

48. What do you call a vegetable that's always hungry? Famoosly good!

49. Why did the apple forget its lines in a play? It kept getting stuck on core!

50. What do you call a shrimp that's in a hurry? Quick-que!
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