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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Made Of Grass, Sticks And Mud Riddle

Hint: Birds live in this.
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Part Of A Tree Riddle

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Rings Tell My Age Riddle

A tree
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I Grow Up Big And Tall Riddle

A tree.
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How Many Acorns Riddle

None. Pine trees don't have acorns.
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Carrying A Tree Riddle

A palm tree
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Trees At The Lake Riddle

Swimming trunks!
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The Dogwood Tree Riddle

By its bark.
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Rings Of Age Riddle

I'm a tree.
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Needles But No Thread

A Christmas tree
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In December I Am Seen

A Christmas tree
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Not A Plank Riddle

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Many Rings But No Fingers

A tree!
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Chicken Origin Riddle

A poul-tree!
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Around The Wood Riddle

Tree bark.
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Post Your Tree Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Tree Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. What did the pine tree say to the maple tree? "You make my leaves turn red with envy!"

2. Why don't trees like to use Tinder? Because they get too many matches!

3. How do trees access the internet? With a branch connection!

4. What did the beaver say to the aspen tree? "You're the trunk of all trades!"

5. Why did the squirrel store acorns in a cedar chest? Because he wanted them to be wardrobe-robed!

6. Why did the tree go to the dentist? To get a root canal!

7. What's a tree's favorite ice cream flavor? Poplar-nut!

8. Why are trees such good listeners? Because they're all ears!

9. How do trees communicate with each other? Root-to-root!

10. What do you call a tree that's always ready for a party? A poplar-ty animal!

11. Why don't trees ever get online? They prefer the trunk line!

12. What do you call a tree that has no leaves? Bare tree bones!

13. How do you know if a tree is a good singer? It has a great acorn-t!

14. Why did the tree fail his math quiz? He couldn't find the root of the problem!

15. What do you call a tree that's always thirsty? The No-Saps Club!

16. What's a tree's favorite hobby? Bark-skipping!

17. Why did the pine tree send his needles to the dry cleaners? To spruce them up!

18. What's a tree's favorite band? The Branch Out Boys!

19. Why did the tree say no to a job offer? He was already rooted in his career!

20. What's a tree's favorite drink? Sap-puccino!

21. Why don't trees ever get lost? They always have their bearings!

22. What did the tree say to the raindrop? "It's precipi-treed!"

23. Why did the tree cross the road? To get to the shady side!

24. What's a tree's favorite pickup line? "Are you an evergreen? 'Cause you ever-grown on me!"

25. How do trees stay warm in the winter? They wear layer after layer of bark-a!

26. What's a tree's favorite type of pizza? Thin crust-le!

27. Why did the tree go to the doctor? It had a bad case of fir-nitis!

28. How do you know if a tree is feeling confident? It's standing trunk-up!

29. What's a tree's favorite smartphone app? Tree-tment!

30. Why did the tree go to the dance? To see if he could leaf a good impression!

31. How do you know if a tree is telling the truth? It's always sprouting honesty!

32. Why did the tree start a fitness routine? To branch out its exercise routine!

33. What do you call a tree that can't stop talking? A chronic-log-uer!

34. How do trees know when it's time to shed their leaves? They read it in their sap-py horoscope!

35. What's the tree's favorite workout routine? Trunching!

36. Why did the tree take a vacation? To branch out and explore new surroundings!

37. What do you call a tree that's always in a good mood? A happy camper-a!

38. Why don't trees ever get lost at night? They have root-lights!

39. What's a tree's favorite breakfast food? Stackyard syrup!

40. Why did the tree throw a party? To branch out and celebrate life!

41. How do trees stay healthy? By getting plenty of tree-atment!

42. What do you call a tree that's always on the go? A speed-wood!

43. Why do trees make the best travel companions? They're always down for a good pine-nic!

44. How do you make a tree laugh? Tell it a spruce-up joke!

45. How do trees celebrate the holidays? By decking themselves in boughs and holly!

46. What do you call a tree that's bad at driving? A crash-cedar!

47. Why did the tree go to the gym? To build trunk muscles!

48. What did the tree say to the lumberjack? "Don't ax me why I'm the best tree in the forest!"

49. How do trees communicate with their siblings? Through sis-ter branches!

50. What's a tree's favorite type of footwear? Roots shoes!
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