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Volcano Valentines Riddle

Do you lava me like I lava you!!?
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A volcano.
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A volcano
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A volcano
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Post Your Volcano Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Volcano Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. What do volcanoes like to wear to bed? Magma pajamas!

2. Why did the volcano break up with his girlfriend? Because she took him for granite.

3. How do you calm down an angry volcano? By telling it to take a lava deep breath and count to 10.

4. How did the volcano propose to his lover? He gave her a ring of fire.

5. What do you call a volcano that's afraid to erupt? A timid andesite.

6. Why was the volcano always so stressed out? He had too much ash on his plate.

7. What do you call a volcano that's always on time? Punctualcane.

8. What did the volcano say to his therapist? I have a lot of hot-headed issues.

9. Why did the volcano go to the dentist? To get a magma-fying cleaning.

10. How do you know if a volcano is feeling down? It's erupting with tears of lava.

11. What's a volcano's favorite TV show? Game of Stones.

12. How do you make a volcano laugh? By telling a lava-ble joke.

13. What do you get when you cross a volcano and a flower? A hot bloom.

14. Why did the volcano refuse to play hide-and-seek? Because it could never stay dormant.

15. How does a volcano listen to music? Through lava-phones.

16. What did the volcano say when it got a hole-in-one? That was pyroclastic!

17. How do you know a volcano is embarrassed? It's turning red with ash.

18. Why did the volcano sue the fast food restaurant? Because they sold him a lava burger.

19. What do you call a group of volcanoes that perform together? A magma-nificent ensemble.

20. Why don't volcanoes ever get in trouble with the law? Because they have a smoking permit.

21. What do you call a lazy and unmotivated volcano? Mount Vesu-snooze-us.

22. How do you know if a volcano is a fan of classical music? It erupts in a Mozartov.

23. Why did the volcano want to be an actor? Because it loved to play hot-headed characters.

24. How do you know if a volcano is sick? It has a pyroclastic cough.

25. What's a volcano's favorite type of workout? Erupt-ercise.

26. Why did the volcano get a job as a coal miner? It wanted to get in touch with its inner lava.

27. What do you call a volcano that's in a bad mood? Grumpthista.

28. Why is a volcano never lonely? Because it always has magma-tude.

29. What do you call a volcano that's really small? A pint-size peak.

30. Why did the volcano join the army? It wanted to be part of the fiery division.

31. How do you know a volcano is a fan of disco music? It loves to erupt in a lava lamp.

32. What do you get when you cross a volcano and a vegetable? A hot-pepper-plant.

33. Why did the volcano go on a diet? It was tired of feeling ash-trocious.

34. What's a volcano's favorite pastime? Playing hot potato.

35. How do you know if a volcano is in love? It has a magma-netic personality.

36. What's a volcano's favorite type of cuisine? Spicy lava-nese.

37. Why did the volcano go to the chiropractor? It had a magma-nitude problem.

38. What do you call a group of volcanoes that form a band? A magma-fied orchestra.

39. Why did the volcano break up with his girlfriend? She was too hot to handle.

40. What do you call a volcano that's always full of energy? A peak of activity.

41. Why did the volcano become a fashion designer? It loved to explore new lava-trends.

42. What do you get when you cross a volcano and a bird? A fire-winged creature.

43. How do you make a volcano float? Add a scoop of magma ice cream.

44. Why did the volcano become a comedian? It loved to make people lava laugh.

45. What do you call a volcano that's always going through a crisis? Eruptile dysfunction.

46. How do you know if a volcano is a fan of horror movies? It loves to erupt in a blood-curdling scream.

47. Why did the volcano go to the doctor? It had a magma-fic case of heartburn.

48. What do you call a volcano that's always on its best behavior? An ash-angel.

49. Why did the volcano become a scientist? It wanted to study the earth from a hot perspective.

50. What's a volcano's favorite type of exercise? Lava-tory training.
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