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Pick A Room Riddle

It is Halloween and your friends dare you to go into a haunted house. You creep up to the door, a little scared wondering what is behind the door. You go in and there is a long hallway leading out into a dark musty room with three doors.

You're kind of scared once you are inside. You try to turn back, to get back outside, but when you turn around the door is closed and locked. You yell for help but there is only silence. The room is dark and you look for a light source. You see a light switch and try to turn it on. Sadly the power is out. You are terrified but have no choice but to follow the long hallway to the three doors in the pitch black.

Behind one door is a bottomless pit with no end. Behind another door is an electric chair which you must sit in. Behind the last door is a pool full of acid. You must go in one of the rooms to the danger. Which one should you go through?
You should definitely go through the electric chair. Since the power is out, when you sit in the electric chair it will have no effect on you.
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