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Share The Same Name Riddle

We share the same name,
but mean two different things
one goes up and down
and the other spins
while one can make you sick
the other you cannot touch
you have heard of me before
whether you know it or not
you know our name
just give it a thought
One is a messenger
the other is not
One gives you a reading
The other helps the Oracle

What are we?
We share the same name,
but mean two different things
one goes up and down
and the other spins
while one can make you sick
the other you cannot touch
you have heard of me before
whether you know it or not
you know our name
just give it a thought
One is a messenger
the other is not
One gives you a reading
The other helps the Oracle

What are we?
Mercury (Messenger is Hermes, or in Latin it is Mercury)
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