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Post Your Poop Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Poop Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. What did the toilet say to the poop? You're the "butt" of all my jokes.

2. Why did the poop refuse to come out? It was feeling "stuck up."

3. What did one poop say to the other? Let's "stink" together.

4. Why did the poop cross the road? To get to the "dump-side" – I mean, the other side.

5. Why was the poop running to the store? It needed to "make a deposit."

6. What do you call poop that works out? A "muscle poop."

7. Why did the poop go to the school counselor? It had "crappy problems."

8. Why was the poop confused? It wasn't sure if it was "number one" or "number two."

9. What do you call poop that's afraid to come out? Fecal "phobic."

10. Why don't poop jokes stink? Because they're full of "fart"ing puns.

11. Why was the poop so happy? Because it finally got "out of its comfort zone."

12. What did one poop say to the other poop on a roller coaster? Hold on tight we're going down "the brown slide!"

13. What do you call a small poop? A "puny brownie."

14. Why was the poop jealous of the toilet paper? It always got to wipe the slate clean.

15. How did the poop escape the toilet? It leaped into the "bowl" weeds.

16. What did the poop say when it got flushed away? Don't forget to "wave"!

17. Why did the poop get a ticket? It parked in the "yes-stinky" zone.

18. What happens when a ghost uses the toilet? A "boo-ti" call.

19. What did the poop say when it was blocked? "This is a load of crap!"

20. Why did the poop do well on the math test? It was good with "number two's."

21. How do you describe a scared poop? "Constipated."

22. What do you call a romantic poop? "Poop of love."

23. What do you call the poop that's always late? "Fashionably defecated."

24. Why did the poop grab a tissue? It had the "runs."

25. How did the poop know it was in love? It got butterflies in its "stomach."

26. What did the poop say when it won the lottery? I'm "flush" with cash!

27. Why did the poop take up yoga? To learn how to "exhale."

28. How do you know your poop's in trouble? It starts "taking crap" from everyone.

29. What do you call the king of all poops? The mighty "brown monarch."

30. Why did the poop call the plumber? It needed a "stool sample."

31. What's the difference between a tire and a poop? One goes around, and the other "brown's a round."

32. What did the poop say to the corn kernel? "I'll be back for you later."

33. Why did the poop feel like a millionaire? It was the "cream of the crop."

34. What do you call poop that's older than a dog? "Senior Bowls."

35. What did one poop say to the other poop at the party? "Let's let loose!"

36. Why did the poop go to the doctor? It was feeling "crappy."

37. How do you know if a poop's a good listener? It always "takes crap" from others.

38. What do you call a distant relative of poop? A "stool-nomad."

39. Why did the poop cheat on its diet? It had a "sweet-tooth."

40. How does a poop feel when it doesn't come out? "Full" of itself.

41. What do you call an artist who focuses on poop? A "rectumographer."

42. Why did the poop end up in the hospital? It had a "run-in" with a sharp object.

43. What do you call a poop that performs on stage? A "poop-performer."

44. Why did the poop's cellmate call it "lucky"? It was able to "get off" scot-free.

45. What do you call it when poop makes music out of gas? Fart-tunes.

46. What did one poop say to another poop that was being picked on? "Leave my friend alone or there will be stool trouble."

47. Why did the poop's party die down? It was a "downer."

48. What do you call a poop that can jump higher than a house? "Super poop."

49. Why did the poop's date leave early? It had a "foul" odor.

50. What do you call a poop that's too funny? "Comi-crap."
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