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Riddles and Answers © 2024

12 In A Row Riddle

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The Barrel With No Lid

They must tilt the barrel until the beer reaches the rim of the barrel. If they can see the bottom of the barrel then it is less than half full.
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Shapes And Sizes Riddle

Jigsaw Puzzle Piece
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More Eyes Than One

A Potato
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The Pizza Party Riddle

Each student took a slice but the tenth student took the box with their slice of pizza in it.
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The Falling Jar Riddle

The ice was in the jar. It melted and balance had changed that was a cause of falling.
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A Mystical Tomb Riddle

If two widows, each having a son married the son of the other widow, and then by the consummation of marriage, both the couples had a daughter, all the aforementioned relationships will turn to be true.
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The Card Trick Riddle

The answer is very simple. All she had to do is take the fifteen cards from the top and reverse them. This would make another pile out of that and there will be two piles - one of 15 cards and one of 37 cards. Also both of them will have the same number of inverted cards.

Just think about it and if the mathematical explanation will help you understand better, here it is.

Assume that there were p inverted cards initially in the top 15 cards. Then the remaining 37 cards will hold 15-p inverted cards.
Now when she reverses the 15 cards on the top, the number of inverted cards will become 15-p and thus the number of inverted cards in both of the piles will become same.
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The Egg Spinning Competition

The clerk handed the boy a broom, so the egg the boy was spinning must have been hard-boiled. If the egg was raw, the clerk would have handed the boy a mop.
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Cant Be Touched Riddle

I am a dream.
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Attacked By A Burglar Riddle

His wife came to the door with a butcher knife because she thought her husband was coming home. She was planning to kill the husband.
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The Psychic Son Riddle

Her son was pointing at her reflection on the TV screen. The mother is going to die in three days.
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The Sunday Morning Murder Riddle

The father because it was a Sunday and no one gets mail on Sunday!
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5 Houses Riddle

The German
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Two Fathers Two Sons Riddle

They were a grandpa, his son, and his grandson.
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Post Your Riddles To Solve Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Riddles To Solve of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. I used to be a baker, but I couldn't raise my dough.

2. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!

3. I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down!

4. Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? He was lucky it was a soft drink!

5. I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.

6. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems.

7. Have you heard about the new corduroy pillows? They're making headlines!

8. Why was the computer cold? It left its Windows open.

9. I wanted to be a history teacher, but there was no future in it.

10. I heard a joke about a jump rope. It skipped my mind.

11. I'm not a doctor, but I have a few solutions up my sleeve.

12. Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.

13. I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

14. Why don't blondes use bookmarks? Because they prefer to re-read things!

15. I burned 2,000 calories today. I left my pizza in the oven for too long.

16. Why don't skeletons fight each other? They don't have the guts.

17. I used to play piano by ear, but now I use my hands.

18. My husband and I like to share everything, we even have joint Facebook account. He's the body and I'm the brain.

19. I failed my history test because I missed too many revolutions.

20. Why do cows go to New York City? To see the Moo-seum of Art!

21. I'm in a band called "Duvet". We're a cover band.

22. Did you hear about the Italian chef that died? He pasta way.

23. Why was the belt sent to prison? For holding up the pants.

24. My doctor told me to take one whiskey every night to prevent getting a cold. I said, "I think I’ve got that backwards."

25. I stopped drinking coffee after I got mugged by my own nerves.

26. I love telling Dad jokes. Sometimes, he laughs.

27. When life gives you melons, you're probably dyslexic.

28. Why did the mathbook look sad? Because it had too many problems.

29. I'm on a whiskey diet. I've lost three days so far.

30. I had a dream that I was a muffler. I woke up exhausted.

31. Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide.

32. I went to a wedding last weekend. The cake was in tiers.

33. I got a job at a bakery because I kneaded dough.

34. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing.

35. My husband and I decided to stop playing hide and seek. It was just getting two tents.

36. Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.

37. I'm writing a book on anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down.

38. I was addicted to soap operas, but I'm clean now.

39. I used to have a job at a calendar factory. I got fired for taking a day off.

40. Did you know that diarrhea is hereditary? It runs in your genes.

41. Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two tired.

42. Did you hear about the kidnapping at the playground? They woke up.

43. I had a neck brace fitted years ago and I've never looked back since.

44. My cat was just sick on the carpet, I don’t think it’s feline well.

45. I tried to make a belt out of watches, but it was a waist of time.

46. Why did the chicken go to the seance? To talk to the other side.

47. Why did the gym close down? It just didn't work out.

48. My grandfather has the heart of a lion and a lifetime ban from the local zoo.

49. I'm reading a book on the history of glue. I just can't seem to put it down.

50. Why don't aliens visit Earth? They're afraid we'll make them the butt of our jokes.
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