Fun Facts (Hints)

  • September is the most common month for people to be born in the last 20 years.
  • September is the only month in which the actual number of the month matches the number of letters in the months name. 9
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    Riddles and Answers © 2024

    September Riddles with Answers

    September Riddles
    September is known as the last month of summer for many, National Arbor Month, and one of the most volatile months for the stock market. So it's only fitting that we put together this collection of September Riddles for you to enjoy during this popular month.

    Listed here are questions that are engaging, not very serious, and that have to do with September in some fashion. One example of a riddle that you will find here in this group is titled the "Birthday In September Riddle" and another is titled and another is titled as the "September October November Riddle."

    Think you're ready to try your hand at these? Proceed, and please share with any friends or family who may get a kick from these mind racking puzzles.

    Humpty's Great Fall

    To make up for his miserable summer.
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    The Tree And Autumn Riddle

    "Leaf me alone."
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    The Least Favorite Month For A Tree

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    Match The Number Of Letters

    This can be a little tricky if you misread the riddle. There's a little known fact in this once you've found the answer. Also being that the answers are limited, it's recommended to challenge yourself and begin the timer to solve this in under 30 seconds.
    Hint: There are only 12 months
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    Falling In Autumn Riddle

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    The Scared Trees Riddle

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    September October November Riddle

    Hint: It helps if you think about each month differently and then as a whole.
    A pumpkin, or Jack-o-Lantern, in October for Halloween
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    Birthday In September Riddle

    He was born in the town of March, about 25 miles north of Cambridge, England. He grew up to be the mayor of his town, and performed the wedding ceremony for the head of his local church.
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    Post Your September Riddles Puns Below

    Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever September Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

    1. Why did the scarecrow win an award in September? Because he was outstanding in his field!

    2. What did the Autumn leaves say to the September breeze? "Leaf me alone, I'm falling for you!"

    3. Why did the apple tree cross the road in September? To get to the cider side!

    4. How did the September calendar feel about its job? It had a date with destiny!

    5. Why was the math book sad in September? Because it had too many problems!

    6. What do you call a person who can't stop talking about September? An apple a-day-dreamer!

    7. How do you know when September has arrived? It's written all over you-autumn face!

    8. Why do scarecrows always wear a hat in September? Because their heads are bound to fall off eventually!

    9. How does a September turkey stay cool? By using fowl air conditioning!

    10. What do you get when you cross a September squirrel and a November turkey? A furry fowl-dessert!

    11. Why did the Autumn leaves get fired in September? They couldn't follow the falling leaves!

    12. What do you call a pumpkin on vacation in September? A gourd on tour!

    13. Why did the farmer not sell his pumpkins in September? He couldn't bear to squash their dreams!

    14. What do you call it when September rain falls on a scarecrow? A dampin' downpour!

    15. What do you call pumpkins that play music in September? Gourdeous singers!

    16. How do you know when September is here? When the squirrels start gathering nuts for winter and hoard them away!

    17. Why did the corn stalk get in trouble in September? It wouldn't give up its kernel secrets!

    18. What do you call a pumpkin's favorite September band? Squash-alot!

    19. How does a pepper handle September weather? It gets jalapeño business!

    20. What do you call a September squirrel playing a guitar? A nuttin' but trouble punk!

    21. Why did the pumpkin get drunk in September? Because cider was calling its name and it was squashed!

    22. What do you call a September turkey jazz band? A fowlish symphony!

    23. Why do scarecrows never get lost in September? They have a great sense of Autumndirection!

    24. How do you know when September is approaching? When the leaves start to turn and everyone wants to orchid around!

    25. What do you call a September ghost who loves pumpkins? A gourd-geous revenant!

    26. Why did the September rain never stop? Because it was too wet to retire!

    27. How does a scarecrow celebrate September? It throws a hay-mazing party!

    28. What do you call a September pumpkin party? A vine wine celebration!

    29. Why did the pumpkin avoid September? It didn't want to get carved up by Halloween!

    30. How do you know when September is leaving? When the pumpkins start getting mushy and everyone starts missing the sunflowers!

    31. What do you call a September college course on pumpkins? Gourd-ucation!

    32. How does a pumpkin farmer take care of business in September? By squashin' it!

    33. What's the difference between an acorn and September? One's a nut and the other is a month!

    34. Why do pumpkins fly kites in September? Because it's the season of high squash!

    35. What does a scarecrow say to itself when gathering hay bales in September? "I'm strawberry impressed!"

    36. How do you tell September jokes to a squirrel? In a nut's-hell!

    37. What do you call a pumpkin fighting in a September battle? A squash-buckler!

    38. Why did the pumpkin get upset in September? Because it thought everyone was picking on it!

    39. What do you call a September pumpkin baking contest? Gourd-a-bake-off!

    40. How does a scarecrow deal with September weather? It puts on a straw hoodie!

    41. What does a September pumpkin farmer say to his crops? "Squash and harvest!"

    42. What do you call a September pumpkin pie that's also a joke? A pumpkin pun-kin!

    43. Why did the apples argue in September? They couldn't decide who was the core of their group!

    44. How do you make sure a pumpkin doesn't go bad in September? You keep it stem-cell fresh!

    45. What do you call a September pumpkin-themed conference? Squash-con!

    46. Why did the pumpkin blush when it met the September breeze? Because it found the gust autumn-attractive!

    47. How does a farmer handle harvesting pumpkins in September? They take it leaf by leaf!

    48. What do you call a September holiday dedicated to pumpkins? Gourd-oween!

    49. Why did the pumpkin get a tattoo in September? It was feeling ink-lined to the season!

    50. What do you call an October pumpkin that's lost in September? A squash-ical fugitive!