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The Magic Head Riddle

You are an expert on paranormal activity and have been hired to locate a spirit haunting an old resort hotel. Strong signs indicate that the spirit lies behind one of four doors. The inscriptions on each door read as follows:

Door A: Its behind B or C
Door B: Its behind A or D
Door C: Its in here
Door D: Its not in here

Your psychic partner Magic Head has told you three of the inscriptions are false, and one is true. Behind which door will you find the spirit?
The spirit lies behind Door D Robin Sparkles is correct.

If the spirit is behind Door A, then both B and D are true.

If the spirit is behind Door B, then both A and D are true.

If the spirit is behind Door C, then A, C, and D are all true.

If the spirit is behind Door D, then the statements on all the doors are false, except for that on Door B. This matches the rules, and therefore, the resort hotel spirit lurks behind Door D.
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