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Riddles and Answers © 2024

State Without An A Riddle Answer

The "State Without An A" is a tricky riddle. At the first place, many of you will start saying Ohio, New Jersey, New York, and more state names that does not have a letter "A" in it. But if you read the understand the riddle correctly, it says:

State Without An A, this means that we have to remove the letter A from the word State. So after removing the letter A, we get Stte.
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Butterfly Bat Duck Riddle

The duck could be found in between the dog’s hind legs, it’s the shape formed by the hind legs. The bat as in the mammal and not a playing bat can be found in between the elbow of the boy and the girl. Look closely to find the shape of a bat. The butterfly can be found on the tree leaves in the background if you look closely enough. The trick is to find the shape and not the complete item.
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How Many Phones Can You Charge Riddle

8 phone. One power strip has a cut cord. The strip with the one socket is useless. One of the strips doesn't have a cord at all and in another one there is no hole for a plug. Also, one socket on each of the two strips will be taken by the plugs from the others.
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As I Was Walking Across London Bridge Riddle

The man's name is Andrew.

The part which reads "and drew his cane" or "and drew his name" says the name Andrew, but separated into two words. When said aloud, it sounds just like Andrew.
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I Met A Man On My Way Riddle

Only one is going to St. Ives...the narrator! All of the others are coming from St. Ives. The trick is that the listener assumes that all of the others must be totaled up, forgetting that only the narrator is said to be going to St. Ives. If everyone mentioned in the riddle were bound for St. Ives, then the number would be 2,802: the narrator, the man and his seven wives, forty-nine sacks, three hundred forty-three cats, and twenty-four hundred and one kits.
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Pregnant Woman Goes To The Fridge Riddle

She opened the fridge door first!
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12 Apples Hanging High Riddle

11 apples. 'Each' is the name of the man who got one.
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Chicken Egg Banana Riddle

1 Chicken = 20 - So, 20 + 20 + 20 = 60
1 Egg Basket = 3 - So, 20 + 3 + 3 = 26
1 Bunch of Bananas = 6 - So, 3 + 6 + 6 = 15
Finally, Chicken = 20 ; Egg Basket = 3 ; Bananas = 6 - So, 20 + 3 x 5 = 35

The final answer is 35
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Witch Broom Wand Riddle

Answer: 73 ...Broom - 3 (2nd picture compose of 2 brooms) that gives you 3+3+3+3 = 12 ...Wand - 7 (3 wands equal 21) ...Witch - 5 (15 each while carrying broom and wand giving you 45, so remove them in the last picture ...So 3 + (5x14) = 73
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A Man Had Died In His Apartment Riddle

April Fools, he didn't earn anything, he's dead.
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Panic-buying Of Sausage And Cheese Riddle

The wurst kase scenario.
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Shoe Guy Scarf Riddle

43. Shoe (5) + Man, two scarves and two shoes (19) times scarf (2).

19 x 2 is 38. 38 + 5 is 43.
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We Have No Flesh Feather And Bone Riddle

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Eight Pills Riddle

Take any six pills and divide them into two groups of three each. Weigh putting the 3 pills on each side. If one side weigh's heavier than another, the heavier side consists of the poisonous pill. From the three pill in heavier side, weigh two pills. If one pill is heavier than another, the heavy one is poisonous pill. If both pill weigh same, the remaining third pill is poisonous. If all the 6 pill weigh the same, weigh the remaining two pill and heavy one is poisonous.
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What Side Of A Cat Has The Most Fur Riddle

The outside
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