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Musical Army Riddle

A sharp major.
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Mountain Music Riddle

Rock music!
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Pilgrim Music Riddle

What was the Pilgrims' favorite kind of music?
Body parts remaining: 6
Plymouth rock
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Little Johnny's Bet Riddle

He just doesn't take the bet. This gives him a 100 percent chance of getting the money home. If he takes the bet with 1 die he has a 50 percent chance of winning. If he takes the bet with 2 dice he has about a 56 percent chance of winning. If he takes the bet with 3 dice he has about a 42 percent chance of winning.
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King Octopus Riddle

The green one is telling the truth.

Lets assume that one of them is telling the truth and then try to prove that. Since all four servants are disagreeing then 3 of them must be lying.

The servant telling the truth will have either 6 or 8 legs. The other 3 servants will have 7 legs since they lie. So the total number of legs should be either 27 (6 + 7 + 7 + 7) legs or 29 (8 + 7 + 7 +7) legs. Only green servant could be telling the truth as it said 27 legs.

Alternatively, lets say blue is telling the truth: so the blue one has either 6 or 8 legs. And each of the other octopuses are lying hence have 7 legs each. So our total number of legs: 6 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 27 legs or 8 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 29 legs. But since blue said that altogether they have 28 legs, we know he is lying.

If you follow this same logic for all of them, you realize that only the green octopus can be telling the truth as the number of legs adds up.
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The Sunday Morning Murder Riddle

The father because it was a Sunday and no one gets mail on Sunday!
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The King And The Kingdom Riddle

The woman started walking across the bridge when the guard was inside the hut. She walked all the time he was inside (5 minutes) and then turned and moved back towards the kingdom. On approaching the kingdom he was asked for papers and since she did not have any, she was sent back.
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The Man At The Door

The stranger said that he thought the room was his. If so, he must have had the keys to the room and thus he must not have knocked.
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The Kingdom Of Fidelity

Suppose if there is just one unfaithful husband, then his wife will kill her husband as she must be knowing that all other men are faithful but the queen declared that one of them all is unfaithful.

If there are two unfaithful husbands, then both their wives will believe there is just one unfaithful husband, that too the other one whom she knows. Thus both of them will expect the above case to happen at midnight. But when no one is shot, they will realize that there are two unfaithful husbands and since they know about everyone, they will know that the other unfaithful man is their own husband on the next day.

If there are three unfaithful husbands, each of their wives will be knowing about two other unfaithful men so they will be expecting the above case and will be waiting for the gunshots on the second day. When that does not happens, they will realize that there are more than two and since they all will know about the rest, they will realize that their own husband is unfaithful and they will kill him on the third day.

Thus if we talk about general terms and suppose that there are n unfaithful husbands, their wives will believe that there is n-1 unfaithful husbands and will expect the gunshot on n-1 day. When they don't hear that, they will realize their own husband is the nth.
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Musical Bunnies Riddle

Hip Hop.
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Pilgrim Music Riddle

Plymouth Rock
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Mexican Frostbite Riddle

A burr-ito!
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Unwilling To Kiss Riddle

A spider.
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King Arthur's Round Table Riddle

Sir Cumference
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Locking The Mail

Tom puts one of his locks on the box with the ring in it. When Sally gets it she puts one of her own locks on the box and sends it back to Tom. Finally Tom takes his lock off of the box and sends it back to Sally who can then unlock her own lock and retrieve the ring.
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