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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Discharge Of The Rifle

Biggs, who saw the smoke, would be first; Carpenter, who saw the bullet strike the water, would be second; and Anderson, who heard the report, would be last of all.
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Who Killed The Old Man Riddle

The newspaper delivery man, because there was no Wednesday, Thursday or Friday newspaper. He knew there was no one home to read it!
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Stopping The Bus Riddle

Because it saw the zebra crossing.
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The Bus Stop Riddle

Ne, the bus driver.

On the 1st stop, 5 people get on. On the 2nd stop, 5 people get off and 10 (twice as many as at 1st stop) people get on. On the 3rd stop, 10 people get off. So there are (5 5 + 10 10) 0 passengers left, which leaves the bus driver as the only person on board the bus.
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Late For The Bus Riddle

They blame themselves because they caused the bus to be late. If they had been on time, the bus would have already passed the location of the mud slide.
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Driven Through The Day Riddle

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Coffee Diner Riddle

Hint: A man walks into a diner and sits down. There's a new waitress working that he's never seen before. When she comes to his table to take his order, he says "Just a cup of coffee please." A few minutes later the waitress brings the man his coffee and heads
Because the coffee was sweet. The man had added sugar to his coffee before noticing the fly. When the waitress brought him the "new" cup of coffee, he took a sip (to check whether it was in fact a newly poured cup of coffee) and noticed that the coffee was "already" sweet.
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Savor The Flavor Riddle

Hint: This doesn't need a hint, but in case you peeked: I'll have a grande latte!
Coffee. It was first discovered in the area of Africa now called Ethiopia. Legend has it that a goat herder observed his goats acting unusually frisky after eating berries from a bush. When he tried them himself, his energy was renewed. And the rest is history.
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Cursed As A Baby Riddle

Sleeping Beauty
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Breakfast And Tea Riddle

A book. Authors can speak to you through a book, yet the book makes no sound. Books are sold and have many duplicate copies. A book can bring the reader to tears and laughter, they span the globe and the leaves of a book (a single sheet in a book is called a leaf) can get you wrapped up in the story that youre unaware of whats going on around you.
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Tea Cups On The Table

Hint: Try reading the question out loud.
The answer is 3 tea cups because the question was not forty cups it was four tea cups.
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Piping Hot Water Riddle

I'm a tea bag!
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The Mountain Of Two Paths

You ask each twin What would your brother say?. This works because.... Well let's say the correct path is on the left side. So say you asked the liar "What would your brother say?" Well, the liar would know his brother was honest and he would say the left side, but since the liar lies, he would say right. If you asked the honest twin the same question, he would say right, because he knows his brother will lie. Therefore, you would know that the correct path was the left!
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Three Mountain Climbers

They found a cabin of an airplane that had crashed there with 3 bodies in it.
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Taller Than Any Tree Riddle

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