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Riddles and Answers © 2024

How Old Could He Be?

He was 44 years old.

From the question you know the man died between 1900 and 1940. We also know his age at death (x) is one twenty-ninth of the year of his birth (29x). If you add his age at death to the year he was born you get the year he died (30x). Only one year between 1900 and 1940 is divisible by 30, 1920 (the year he died). The year he was born can now be found: 1920 * (29/30) = 1856. So in 1900 he was (1900 - 1856) = 44 years old.
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The Broken Grandfather Clock

He made it run backwards.
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A Knight To The Rescue

He puts one plank across the corner of the square (where two sides meet) and puts the other perpendicular to it to form a 'T' shape in the corner allowing him to cross the moat and save his beloved.
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Chess Board

No. When you remove the two diagonal spaces from the chess board they are both black or both white, making it so that there are two more of the other color. Each domino would cover 1 black and 1 white space. So 31 of them would have to cover 31 white spaces and 31 black spaces but with the corners removed there are 30 of one color and 32 of the other.
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How Many Pieces Of Chicken?

After 6 all numbers divisible by 3 can be ordered (because they can all be expressed as a sum of 6's and 9's). After 26, all numbers divisible by three when subtracted by 20 can be obtained. After 46, all numbers divisible by three when subtracted by 40 can be obtained. After 46, all numbers fit into one of these 3 categories, so all numbers can be obtained. 43 is the last number that doesn't fall into one of these categories (44 = 20 + 6 * 4, 45 = 6 * 6 + 9).
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Positive Numbers

1, 2, and 3.
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Rivers With No Water Riddle

Hint: I represent an area of land or sea.
A map.
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