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Riddles and Answers © 2024

You'll See Me Riddle

The Number Twelve (12).

Noon and midnight are both 12 oclock and the Twelve Days of Christmas is a popular Christmas carol.

There are twelve face cards in a standard 52-card deck and twelve is the largest number with one syllable.

There are twelve steps in Alcoholics Anonymous, a troy pound is 12 ounces, there were 12 tribes of Israel and a popular movie was called, Twelve Angry Men (12 members of the jury). There are twelve function keys on your keyboard. F1 often shows a help screen and F5 reloads pages in your browser.

Many recipes measure items by the dozen, adding one more for a bakers dozen. There are twelve months in a year.
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A Boy At The Carnival

A young boy was at the carnival. He was walking past a kiosk where an old man was sitting.

"Do you want to play a game?" the old man said to him.The young boy was intrigued. "What kind of game?" he asked.

"It's a very simple game." said the old man. "I will tell you the rules. I have ten large metal boxes. Inside one of the boxes is the prize money. One thousand dollars."

"A thousand bucks, huh?" asked the boy. "What's the catch?"

"The boxes are sturdy and strong," said the old man. "Much too strong to be opened with your bare hands. They are also airtight and cannot be damaged by a hammer, an axe or even a chainsaw."

"So they're impossible to open?" said the boy.

"Not impossible." said the man. "I have a blowtorch which can be used to open the boxes."

"Is there a time limit?" asked the boy.

"You can take as much time as you want." said the old man. "When you find the prize money, it's all yours. So, do you want to play the game?"

"Well, I don't how I could possibly lose," said the boy. "OK. I'll play your game."

The old man smiled. "I'll make it very easy for you", he said. "There are ten metal boxes, but if you give me five dollars, I will start you right next to the prize money."

The boy happily took out his wallet and handed a crisp five dollar note to the old man. There was a mischievous grin on the old man's face.The game started.The prize money was right in front of the boy. He could see it. He could touch it.Even though he won the game, the boy was never able to spend the money. He died shortly after he won the game.

How did the boy die?
The man put the inside of the box since he said for five dollars, he'd put the boy next to the money. Since the box was airtight, he suffocated
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Without A Head Riddle

A pillow
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The Card Trick Riddle

The answer is very simple. All she had to do is take the fifteen cards from the top and reverse them. This would make another pile out of that and there will be two piles - one of 15 cards and one of 37 cards. Also both of them will have the same number of inverted cards.

Just think about it and if the mathematical explanation will help you understand better, here it is.

Assume that there were p inverted cards initially in the top 15 cards. Then the remaining 37 cards will hold 15-p inverted cards.
Now when she reverses the 15 cards on the top, the number of inverted cards will become 15-p and thus the number of inverted cards in both of the piles will become same.
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The Priest's Poop Riddle

Holy Crap!
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Living In The Lighthouse

He lived in a lighthouse. When he woke up he looked out the window. To his horror he saw a shipwreck, which was his fault for leaving the light off. He killed himself out of guilt.
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Home To Mt Whitney Riddle

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100 Politicians Riddle

Yes, from the information you know 1 is honest and 99 are liars.

One of them is honest satisfying the first piece of information. Then if you take the honest man and any other politician, the other politician must be a liar to satisfy the second piece of information, 'If you take any two politicians, at least one of them is a liar.' So 99 are liars.
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Throwing A Ball Riddle

What is the easiest way to throw a ball, and have it stop, and completely reverse direction after traveling a short distance?
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Grown And Bought Riddle

Sands in an hourglass.
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Flying Blitzen Riddle

Of course! A bulilding can't fly at all.
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Haunted Halloween House Riddle

You must choose the door that opens with electric chairs. This is because there is no electricity in the house. Thus, you will just have to sit on the chairs for five minutes and then you will be free to go.
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Swallowing All Things Riddle

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Seeing In The Dark Riddle

A candle
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Tall When Young Riddle

A candle
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