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Haunted Halloween House Riddle

To spice up your Halloween, you decide to enter a haunted house with your girlfriend. As you enter, an eerie silence embraces you and you can see nothing because its dark. You fumble your way and try your luck to find the switches, but it turns out to be a waste as there is no electricity connection to the house.

When you decide to turn back, the door closes on you and you are trapped in the house with your girlfriend who has now started panicking.

While you are trying to console her, an evil laughter takes you by surprise. Then, you see a faint figure who tells you that you have three doors in front of you and you must take one of them; it is the only way to free yourself. The figure describes that the first door opens up to a compact space filled with a swarm of deadly bees and you will be stung endlessly by them. The second door opens up to the electricity chairs. You both will be strapped to the chairs for five minutes and exposed to high voltage electricity. The third door opens up with a pit that has no bottom and you will keep falling endlessly into nothingness.

While this leaves you all panicked, which door will you choose if you have no other choice?
You must choose the door that opens with electric chairs. This is because there is no electricity in the house. Thus, you will just have to sit on the chairs for five minutes and then you will be free to go.
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