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McDonalds Riddle

Hint: The key is to first determine how much each item is worth. The drink is clearly worth 10, and it's apparent from the second line that the burgers are worth five.
Pictures of the fries are each worth two, but you have to keep in mind that each individual packet of fries is worth one when you get to the next line. That has baited people into thinking, incorrectly, that the last line is 5 + 2 x 10.

The fourth line has also thrown many people off because it involves order of operations after already including the tricky single packet of fries.

Multiplication comes before addition, so you have to multiply one packet of fries by one drink and then add that to one burger. Thus, 5 + (1x10) = 15.
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After The Day Riddle


The day before yesterday is two days ago.

The day after the day before yesterday (2 days ago) is yesterday.

And two days after yesterday is tomorrow.
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The Longest Camping Trip Riddle

It is Wednesday. If it was any other day of the week, more than one statement would be true. To solve the riddle, evaluate each person's statement and write down what day it could be according to the statement. David's statement indicates it could be any day of the week except for Wednesday. When you list the days that it could be according to everyone's statement, it turns out Wednesday is the day mentioned only one time. Darryl: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday Tracy: Monday Melissa: Saturday Ben: Thursday Adrienne: Saturday Susie: Friday David: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday
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Tomorrow Riddle

Monday. Thursday's tomorrow is Friday, making the day after, Saturday. So today is Sunday.
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The Day Of My Birthday

December 31. Let's assume that December 31 is my correct birthday. Now let's also assume that I am 21 and that today is January 1st (the day after my birthday). That would mean that the day before yesterday (December 30) I would be 20. That fits the riddle so far, but here comes the tricky part!
Let's also say that the current year is 2013. So to clarify, today is January 1st 2013. Next year would be 2014, and the trick is that I will have two more birthdays by the end of 2014, one on December 31st 2013 (22 years old) and one on December 31st 2014 (23 years old).So in 2014, the year after 2013, I will actually turn 23! It's a tricky riddle. Best way to go about it is to use trial and error with all the answers and to also keep an open mind about what "next year" means.
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The Day After Tomorrow Riddle

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Aging Stan Riddle

Today is Jan 1st and his birthday is on December 31st. He was 32, then turned 33 on Dec 31st, and this year on Dec 31st hell turn 34, so next year hell be 35.
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What Day Is It Riddle

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How Old Is She?

We conversed on January 1 and her birthday is on December 31.
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The Miracle Mountain Riddle

Hint: This is not a trick. His watch works perfectly well. He does not sit in the same spot all day or any other such device, although it would not change the answer if he did!
The answer is (A). Since it must happen, the probability is actually 1 (100%).

Explanation: Firstly, consider 2 men, one starting from the top of the mountain and hiking down while the other starts at the bottom and hikes up. At some time in the day, they will cross over. In other words they will be at the same place at the same time of day.

Now consider our man who has walked up on one day and begins the descent the next day. Imagine there is someone (a second person) shadowing his exact movements from the day before. When he meets his shadower (it must happen) it will be the exact place that he was the day before, and of course they are both at this spot at the same time.

Contrary to our common sense, which seems to say that this is an extremely unlikely event, it is a certainty.

NOTE: There is one unlikely event here, and that is that he will notice the time when he is at the correct location on both days, but that was not what the question asked.
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What Comes Immediately Before Today Riddle

Hint: Determine what "Today" is, then work backwards until you determine the day in question.
MONDAY. "Today" is Sunday. Now, starting at Sunday and working backwards (from "the day before yesterday"), we have the following: - 2 + 3 -2 + 1 + 2 - 1 ...So, we go from Sunday to Fri. to Mon. to Sat. to Sun. to Tues. to MONDAY.
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