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Riddles and Answers © 2024

I May Be Simple I May Be Complex Riddle

A riddle.
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Eight Pills Riddle

Take any six pills and divide them into two groups of three each. Weigh putting the 3 pills on each side. If one side weigh's heavier than another, the heavier side consists of the poisonous pill. From the three pill in heavier side, weigh two pills. If one pill is heavier than another, the heavy one is poisonous pill. If both pill weigh same, the remaining third pill is poisonous. If all the 6 pill weigh the same, weigh the remaining two pill and heavy one is poisonous.
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Who Killed The Bride Riddle

The 3 of them are suspects. A has a knife hidden in her bouquet, B has blood on her dress while C has her dress shredded.
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Coronavirus Chefs Riddle

They're in bad taste.
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Open Lock Riddle - Can You Open The Lock?

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Butterfly Bat Duck Riddle

The duck could be found in between the dog’s hind legs, it’s the shape formed by the hind legs. The bat as in the mammal and not a playing bat can be found in between the elbow of the boy and the girl. Look closely to find the shape of a bat. The butterfly can be found on the tree leaves in the background if you look closely enough. The trick is to find the shape and not the complete item.
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A Drunk Man Comes Home Riddle

The answer to this riddle is in the statement itself. If you read the first statement, you shall get the answer.

The 1st statement says: A drunk man comes home and finds his wife in the bed with another man

Here a drunk man come to home. So as per the statement, the man is already drunk and he had to open the bottle first to get drunk.

Therefore, Bottle is the correct answer to the A drunk man comes home riddle.
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Square Room Cats Riddle

So here in the principal explanation "In a square room there is a feline in each edge of the room" unmistakably the room is square and there is a feline in each edge of room.

As we as a whole realize that square has 4 corners so here there are 4 felines in each side of the room.

The second proclamation of the enigma says "before each feline there are 3 felines."

As we definitely know from the primary articulation that there are 4 felines in the room. So each and every feline in the room will have 3 felines before them.
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This Lady Is All In Riddle

Hint: There are 3 colors. Blue, red and black. From these, we must find at the correct answer. What about the poker chips were on the table?
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Trace Your Steps Back Riddle

The answer is numbers '2 3 8 4'
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Robert And Cindy Were Stranded On An Island Riddle

Dissolve all 4 pills in water and drink the half water.

The Robert And Cindy will dissolve all the pills in water and will drink the half water so that he each person can get 1 red and 1 blue pills and they both get save.
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Why Did The Woman Kill Her Sister Riddle

The answer to the riddle is the woman killed her because she was hoping to see this man at her sister's funeral. She saw this man at her mother's funeral and fell in love. With the hope to meet the man, she killed her sister.
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I Am Normally Below You Riddle

A chair
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You Are In A Cement Room Riddle

In the mirror, you will notice the dark patch and using the table wood, you can break the wall and escape.

A cement wall doesn't mean that the wall is wet or dry. You happen to notice the dark patch on the wall where the cement was wet, and thus if you push the wall using the table wood, it would break easily. Thus you can escape easily from the room.
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4 Prisoner Hat Riddle

Answer is Man number 2.

Lets start by eliminating men. Man number 4 is at the other end of opaque wall facing other side. There is no way he can see any men or the color of their hat. So he is eliminated. Now man no 3 also cannot see anyone else - he cannot look back and he cannot see beyond wall. So he is eliminated too. Now man number 1 knows the color of man 2 and 3. Now lets say they (2 and 3) were wearing same color hat then man no 1 would know the color of his hat since there are 2 white and 2 black hat. But he keeps mum which means man 2 and 3 are wearing different hat. S0 man number 2 waits for sometime if he does not hear man 1 calling out that means man 2 and 3 are wearing different color hats. Since man 2 knows the color of hat wore by man 3 he know the color of his hat and calls it out.
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