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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Favorite Season Riddle

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Traveling Leaves Riddle

With autumn-mobiles.
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Vampire Holiday Riddles

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Thanksgiving Vegetables Riddle

Beets me!
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Pilgrims Landing And Standing

On their feet!
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The End Of Thanksgiving

The letter "g"!
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September October November Riddle

Hint: It helps if you think about each month differently and then as a whole.
A pumpkin, or Jack-o-Lantern, in October for Halloween
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Post Your November Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever November Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. What do you call a turkey who always forgets his lines for the Thanksgiving play? A fowl actor.

2. Why did the scarecrow win an award in November? Because he was outstanding in his field.

3. What did the turkey say when he learned he was the main dish for Thanksgiving dinner? "Gobble, gobble, gulp."

4. Why do squirrels like November? Because they get to bury nuts for the winter and watch humans do the same with Thanksgiving leftovers.

5. Why did the pumpkin break up with his girlfriend in November? She was too gourd-geous for him to handle.

6. What do you call a turkey that gets into a fight? A poultrygeist.

7. How do you know if a turkey is smart? It has a PhD in gobbling.

8. What did the football team say to the Thanksgiving turkey? "We're going to make mincemeat out of you!"

9. What did the baker say when his bread didn't rise in November? "I knead a vacation."

10. Why did the pilgrims bring their cats on the Mayflower? To catch the Plymouth Rockfish.

11. What do you get when you cross a corn maze with a vampire? A stalk-and-trade.

12. What did the turkey say when it found out it was going to be served with cranberry sauce? "At least I'm not a ham!"

13. Why did the Thanksgiving turkey cross the road? To prove he wasn't chicken.

14. What do you call a turkey with a bad attitude? A gobblin' grouch.

15. What did the corn say to the farmer in November? "Thanks for everything you ear-grown."

16. Why did the pumpkin go to art school? To learn how to carve a niche for itself.

17. What do you get when you cross a turkey with a kangaroo? A gobble-jumper.

18. What did the mashed potatoes say to the gravy in November? "You complete me."

19. What do you call a pilgrim who can fix anything? A handy-mayflower.

20. Why do cows like November? Because it's the moo-st wonderful time of the year.

21. What did the turkey say when it found out it was going to be pardoned by the President? "I can't believe I'm not butterball-ed!"

22. Why didn't the turkey cross the road? Because it was afraid of getting mashed.

23. What do you call a turkey who loves disco? A disco-gobbler.

24. What did the pilgrims say when they landed in America? "Let's get this party started!" (cue Black Eyed Peas music).

25. Why did the corn stalk win the race? Because it was the ear-ly bird.

26. What do you call a turkey that plays football? A gobbler-back.

27. What's a turkey's favorite workout? Poul-try-Aerobics.

28. Why did the pumpkin go to the doctor in November? It was feeling squashed.

29. What do you get when you cross a turkey with a ghost? A poultry-geist (wait, did we already use that one?)

30. Why did the corn picker break up with his girlfriend? She was too a-maize-ing for him to handle.

31. What do you call a group of turkeys playing guitars? The giblet band.

32. Why did the scarecrow win an Olympic medal in November? Because he was always on his stork.

33. What do you call a turkey with a cold? A snufflegobble.

34. Why was the turkey scared to go to the dentist? It heard it would need a beak canal.

35. What did the candied yams say when they saw the turkey on the table? "Don't look at me, I'm not the main dish!"

36. Why did the pumpkin go to the gym in November? It wanted to get jacked-o-lantern.

37. What do you call a turkey that can surf? A gobbleboarder.

38. Why did the corn farmer go on a diet? He was corn-templating his health.

39. What do you get when you cross a turkey with a snowman? A frosty fowl.

40. Why was the cranberry sauce feeling left out? It was stuck in a jam.

41. What do you call a pumpkin that wears sunglasses? A pump-shade.

42. Why was the turkey so bad at math? It always had trouble with the gobbles table.

43. What do you call a turkey that can't stop singing? A gobblin' crooner.

44. Why did the corn and the peas break up? It was a kernel of truth that they were better off without each other.

45. What do you get when you cross a turkey with an alligator? A gobble-potamus.

46. Why did the sweet potatoes go on a date with the turkey? They wanted to have a Yamsgiving dinner.

47. What do you call a group of turkeys that go to the gym together? The fit fowl.

48. Why did the apple pie go to school in November? It wanted to brush up on its crust-tions.

49. What do you get when you cross a pumpkin with a banana? A pump-kinana (it's a stretch, we know).

50. Why did the mashed potatoes save the day? Because they were the cream of the crop.
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