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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Solve These Summer Riddles

Summer Riddles
Oh, how we love the summer time. Hair gets lighter. Skin gets darker. Water gets warmer. Music gets louder. Nights get longer. Summer is just perfect. Life is just a little bit better in the summer. Wouldnt you agree?

If you are looking for summer riddles and answers, youve definitely come to the right place. Here we have compiled quite the collection of summer riddles for people of all ages. Whether you are looking to incorporate a little backyard barbeque fun with friends and family or you are a teacher wanting to have a little end-of-the year challenge before the kiddos break for summer, our riddles are exactly what youre looking for. Of course, our riddles are perfect for using and sharing, but please make sure to get permission before republishing any content you see.

We hope you enjoy the riddles here while having some summer fun!

I Am Black When You Buy Me Riddle

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Born In November Riddle

He is Australian, where the three hottest summer months are December, January and February.
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One Robotic Summer Riddle

He needed to recharge his batteries.
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Eggy Vacation Riddle

New Yolk City!
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No Break From Basketball

Theyd get called for traveling!
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Summer Break Bread Riddle

It loafed around.
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The Joyful Vacation Riddle

The Baa-hamas!
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Ants Summer Vacation Riddle

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Brown And Hairy Riddle

A coconut on summer vacation!
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Summer Vacation Sharks Riddle

Where do sharks go on summer vacation?
Body parts remaining: 6
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Summer Shape Hangout Riddle

Coney Island.
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Sunburned Pig Riddle

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Sun-screened Banana Riddle

He didn't want to peel!
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Twice In Autumn, Once In Summer

The letter U.
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Summer Catches Riddle

Because autumn is fall.
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Post Your Summer Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Summer Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. What do you call a fish who wears sunglasses and drives a convertible? A "cool sliminade"!

2. Why did the tomato blush? Because it saw the salad dressing!

3. What do you get when you cross a watermelon with a marathon runner? A seeded athlete!

4. Why did the grape go on vacation? To get raisin in the sun!

5. What do you call a beer at the beach? Sandy brewskies!

6. What do you call a country singer who loves summer? Coconut Rhinestone!

7. How does a lion like his meat in the summer? Medium rare!

8. Why did the lemon go to the beach? It wanted to go surfing-ace!

9. What do you call a bee that loves to sunbathe? A tan-gled bee!

10. What do you call a drum that's been left out in the sun too long? A hot beat!

11. What did the beach say as the tide came in? Long time, no sea!

12. Why did the sunflower stop tanning? It was getting too toasted!

13. Why did the surfer wear a mask to the beach? To catch some waves!

14. What do you call a dad that loves to grill in the summer? A barbecuecue!

15. Why did the crab throw a party? Because he was feeling a little shell-abrate!

16. What do you call a snowman in the summer? A puddle!

17. Why did the chicken go to the seance? To contact its "fowl" play!

18. What do you call a mermaid on holiday? A voy-fish-er!

19. How do you make a popsicle laugh? Tickling its stickle!

20. What do you call a forest fire during the summer? A hot mess!

21. How do you make an octopus laugh? Tickling its tentacles!

22. What's the best way to cool down on a hot summer day? With a fan-melon!

23. Why did the penguin go to the beach? To get a tan-guine!

24. Why did the watermelon break up with the cantaloupe? Because it was a seedless relationship!

25. What do you call a fish that loves karaoke? A tuna-star!

26. Why did the bees go to the barbeque? To have a honey roasted time!

27. What do you call an ant in the summer? A picnic-crasher!

28. Why did the banana go to the doctor? It wasn't peeling well!

29. What do you call a beach that's not yours? "Sandy" Claus's beach!

30. What do you call a squirrel that goes to the beach? A sandy-tail!

31. Why did the fish go to university? To get its degree in "sea" biology!

32. What do you call a coffin in the summer? A hot box!

33. What did the apple say to the orange on the beach? Nothing, fruit can't talk!

34. What do you call an alligator on a surfboard? A croc-odile catcher!

35. Why did the cow go to the beach? To get its "moove" on!

36. What's a caterpillar's favorite summer activity? Inch-ing closer to the sun!

37. What do you call a camel at the beach? Sandy hooves!

38. Why do hippos love summer? Because they get to "hippo-potamus" around in the water!

39. What do you call a car without air conditioning in the summer? A sweatbox!

40. Why did the tomato go swimming? It wanted to be a "cool" refreshing snack!

41. What do you call a rabbit on the beach? A bunny-in-the-sand!

42. Why did the spider dislike summer days? Because they're too hot to spin a web!

43. What did the ghost consider as the best summer drink? Boosy ice tea!

44. What do you call a comedian at the beach? A sand-up comic!

45. What do you call it when cows tan in the sun? Broncowl-ing!

46. Why do bees love summer? Because it's the time for "bee-chillin'"!

47. What do you call the vacation spot spiders love to visit? Spinderella's hideout!

48. What do you call two melons that are in love? Honeydew, you love me?

49. What do you do on a summer vegetable plantation? Corn-versate with your best ears!

50. Why do oranges love summer? Because it's the time to "juice"-up!
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