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Fruit Friends Riddle

If you and a friend have the same amount of apples, how many does she need to give you in order to have 10 more apples than her?
If you and a friend have the same amount of apples, how many does she need to give you in order to have 10 more apples than her?
She will always need to give you 5 apples. You both need at least 5 apples to begin with, but apart from that it doesnt matter exactly how many you each have. When she gives you 5 you will have 10 more than her because she will lose 5 and you will gain 5, resulting in a net difference of 10.

For example, if you each have 25 apples and she gives you 5 of hers, she will be left with 20 and you will now have 30, precisely 10 more than she has.
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