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What Is Seen Directly Before January And February Riddle

What is seen near the end of January and February that can't be seen at the beginning either month?
What is seen near the end of January and February that can't be seen at the beginning either month?
Among all the twelve months in a year the two foremost months - January and February have a common ending.

The word January is derived from the Latin word 'Januarius' which means 'the month of Janus' Janus is also called the two-faced God. He is the Roman god who presides over doors and beginnings.

He symbolizes all beginnings and exhibits the capacity to foretell the past and the future.

Since January is the first month of the year it represents the door to the time calendar.

February is derived from the Latin word 'Februarius'. Februa is the name of a famous purification feast held in this month. Hence the name evolved into February.

Thus both these months have names derived from Latin and a common ending with the letters 'uary'.
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